Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What part do they not understand?

I watched the news last night, something about "MormonsExposed" came on, and they talked about a calendar showing former LDS Missionaries without their shirts on. During one of the interviews the young man said, "There is nothing sexual about it..." but we should ask the ladies on this...
I would like to remind those LDS Faithful out there what we learn in the Temple about being covered and protecting our nakedness. We are given a special covering and we make certain promises/covenants to do certain things.
We are also taught to "avoid all appearance of evil"...
Well, I really hate to say it, but somehow these young men have lost something in the translation. Either they don't visit the temple often enough, or they simply don't understand what it means to hold certain things sacred.
Now, don't get me wrong, I am not saying that we cannot go swimming with a normal swim suit, or that we cannot go to the gym and work out...there are times and places where this is appropriate. And I guess y'all will have to decide if posing for this calendar is appropriate...but I worry that the attitude is all wrong. It is sexual in nature, and that should be kept private.

This story goes on for another year, and another calendar. Why, after the first one caused so much trouble for all involved, would anyone volunteer to do a second one...???
Anyway, the dude that produced the calendar has now been ex-communicated from the LDS Church, and has had his diploma revoked (failing to abide the code of conduct)...

Now he has a calendar (2009) that will feature "hot Mormon moms"...i.e. "Mormon" women posing in some racy outfits. The point is completely lost on me why someone would risk their membership in the Church to "debunk the Stereotype" of Mormons...if you get excommunicated, you are no longer a Mormon, and you have lost the ability to debunk that stereotype...
Get it?
Prolly not.