Thursday, January 28, 2010


I couldn't believe that our legislature, here in Utah, wanted to force the insurance companies to provide insurance, especially if the insurance companies see them as "high risk"... but they are going to at least consider forcing this very thing in Utah.
What ever happened to common sense? If these companies give insurance, and the risk is high, then they take a hit. On the other hand, while these individuals are in the system, we all take a hit as this kind of thing is paid for by our taxes... so we either pay in higher premiums or in higher taxes...
Utah House committee OKs inmate insurance bill - January 27th, 2010 @ 6:47pm

And just one day later, it seems that the sanity has returned with a measure to prevent or limit the number of appeals that an inmate can have.
Utah House panel approves limiting inmate appeals - January 28th, 2010 @ 7:22am

What is it with law makers that cause them to be so insane and sane all at the same time?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wake Up America

Prolly one of the best things about the Internet is that you can find information about anything. Some of it won't be useful, while other information can be extremely useful.

For instance, if you are called to Jury Duty, and you want to do your best, you should be acquainted with the facts of what it is you are supposed to do, so you should go to , or the Fully Informed Jury Association.

Or if you want to know what is wrong with America, and don't know if you can trust Liberals or Conservatives, you could go to .

Or if you aren't sure if that email you just received is a scam or real, you can head over to and search on the title or subject.

Don't let the internet get you down. Don't let the information it does offer go to waste.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It is already LEGAL to "Open Carry"...

There is no law in Utah that prohibits a person from Open Carry. There is no need to have a license, no need for special training, nothing more than 2 simple rules...
1- You cannot have a round in the chamber (i.e. for a revolver, it cannot have one "in-line")
2- It must take 2 actions to fire the gun (i.e. cock it, or cycle it and then pull the rigger)
The requirements for Concealed carry, on the other hand, are a bit more strict.
1- Take a class
2- Pay your fee
3- Pass Background
4- Locked and Loaded
5- Open Carry on College Campuses (State Owned, not private) require CWP

Why Utah has such strange laws, I don't know...however, maybe there is hope as they look to clarify the law and (I hope) make some changes...

Lawmaker Wants Changes To Concealed Weapon Law

Proposal aims to clarify brandishing of guns

Other information can be found at these sites:

From the Round-File

Another listing of interesting items in the news...

Science project prompts SD school evacuation
WOW, talk about over-reactions. After they interviewed the student, it should have been over. This school is, after all, "The school ... emphasizes technology skills"...
Then we read, "Both the student and his parents were 'very cooperative'", and "the device was determined to be harmless", and "the project was intended to be a type of motion-detector device"... so why do they "recommend... that he and his parents get counseling"? If this was a science project, in a school that emphasizes technology skills, and the student had "no criminal intent", but had "violated school policies", what good would counseling do for this student?
What a bunch or morons! If you ask me, the Vice Principal should be fired for wasting city resources.

This next bit is not about the content of the story, but about a comment by the SlashDot "editor" who includes the comment, "It's funny that the APS wants to charge non-subscribers $25 to download what is available for free on the arXiv."
Note the difference in the links provided by SlashDot...
The Weird Science of Tossing Stones Into a Lake

FBI Violated Electronic Communications Privacy Act
It figures... you give them an inch, they will take the whole mile.
FBI Obtains Phone Records With a Post-it Note
Now that is truly a classic...

The Fourth Amendment and the Cloud
The easier way to deal with this question is to look at it in the "bigger sense"...
I live in the United States (the Cloud), yet, I occupy my own little space which I like to call my house and yard, (my data in the cloud)... within my house and yard, I am protected by the 4th amendment, the same should apply to the cloud and my data. The 4th also applies to my and my car, while I am traveling (uploading or downloading data)...
So why is there such a big question about if we are protected by the 4th amendment, when it appears so very obvious?

Reid: 'I am at war with your country'
If you ask me, this Reid guy is insane. He tried to kill himself, and a bunch of other people, to make a point... wouldn't it be more effective to LIVE and make a point? One that you can make over and over and over, getting more people's attention and building a "movement"?
According to my psychologist, only crazy people want to kill themselves.

Changes Causing Backup At The DMV
I remember blogging about how Utah, among other states, decided to not participate in the whole Real ID act?
So why are we making trouble in our state, especially at the DMV (which is already PITIFULLY SLOW)? I guess politicians have to tick us off at every turn this year...

Demand for charter schools surges
And we wonder why?
My son attended a Charter School, called Davinci Academy, in Ogden, Ut. They focus on Art and Science, which exercise both sides of the brain.
They have classes of only 20-25 students and ALL classes are "practical application" type classes... they learn by DOING (gee, what a novel concept).
I have blogged before about indoctrination vs. education, and I guess people are tired of having their "Eagles" come off the assembly line as Pigeons.

ANd here I though that my exercise was going to help save my life... Dang I hate it when we are told things that just aren't true...
Sitting Down Too Long Is Bad Even If You Exercise

The US now becoming the World's Bully...

When the whole thing started about this "Healthcare Reform" thing, I advised against it... not just a little, but in a very aggressive way. Why? Because it isn't "American" for the government to force something upon its peoples at "gun point".
If you fail to get health insurance, the IRS can send you to jail for up to a year, and you can get a $1200 dollar fine.

Well, in the same feeling of bullying its people, the USA has decided to start bullying other countries as well...

US Blocking Costa Rican Sugar Trade To Force IP Laws

Now, if you or I tried to do something like this, it would be called extortion, and we would be put in jail.

Microsoft at it again...

First off, we have a wonderful story about how Microsoft is actually becoming the "bad guy" and doing things they either "don't mean to" or maybe it is an "accident", or maybe they should spend more time testing their product and less time scamming us all out of our money...

Microsoft Bots Effectively DDoSing Perl CPAN Testers

Next up, I have been writing for months about the Vulnerabilities of Microsoft, and how you should switch to Linux or other products that give you REAL security, not the "Warm and Fuzzy feelings" they give you while they talk about security...

Microsoft Says Upgrade To IE8, Even Though It's Vulnerable

At least we do have some good news. It appears that some world governments see the light and are advising their peoples to protect themselves...

France Tells Its Citizens To Abandon IE, Others Disagree

And we hear from "people in the know" that microsoft is just "dangerous"...
Jeremy Allison Calls Microsoft Dangerous Elephant

Now, if you are worried about how your computer might work with something else (besides Microsoft) you could "upgrade" to one of these,
100% Free Software Compatible PC Launches
You shouldn't worry, as Linux usually "just works"...
Which is more than we can say about Microsoft.

Here is one last proof that Microsoft does not care about you... some bugs have been in the system since the "early days" and they just don't see the need to fix them...leaving you and your data vulnerable...
Newly-Found Windows Bug Affects All Versions Since NT

Microsoft doesn't care, 'cause, "That's how they roll..." ;)

I want a new phone and a new plan...

I have been looking for a new "smart phone" the past little while. I have found many that I thing would be good and give me what I want in a phone.
I like the idea of having a single device for everything:
For Phone Service, either via the regular Cell Channels, or via VoIP and Vonage or one of the other providers that have mobile platforms.
For a camera, so something with 5 or more Mega Pixles.
For a GPS Device.
For a Day Planer.
For something to do quick checks on important emails, etc...
And something that will give me the ability to play around a little...
I found several phones that might be up to the task...

First, we have the Saygus V-Phone. Not only do I know one of the designers, this phone is just plain AWESOME. Two-Way Video Calling? Hackable by design... YES!

Then we have the Google Nexus 1. I like the look and feel, kind of like the IPhone, but there are issues with customer service...

Next is the Samsung Omnia. This is one awesome phone. A definite IPhone killer, if they would get true multi-touch working on the screen...

Then we have the Motorola Driod. I don't like the look of the phone so much, but it does have a Keyboard, like the VPhone, but it isn't as defined.

Last, we have the Apple IPhone. I don't like to buy into the whole "corporate" thing, as I hate hype... but I know lots of people with one of these, and they seem to like them.

They all have about the same offerings, some with multi-touch, others may have it later, or don't support it as well. But with cameras and gps, it seems they would all do what I want.
The problem comes in the selection of the carrier. AT&T, Verizon? It seems that they all require you to have a data plan, and I don't want a Data Plan... or maybe I do, and not a regular calling plan... I can use VoIP if needed.
They also charge a lot for their service, which I don't really understand. Most of the tech they use is 20 years old and paid for. the big thing is what they have done to the phones. AT&T for instance, is fond of disabling WiFi, but I want WiFi...
I also have to decide if I want to buy the phone and put it on my existing service, or if I want to go on contract...

Anyway... I guess I will wait a little longer and decide at some future point... I still have some time to research it.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Taxes go up, income goes down; where does it stop?

I wrote about this in a RoundFile posting, but it came up again...

It seems that the SL County Unified Police thing is underfunded by current Sales Tax, so the County is now going to charge people directly. They are calling it a fee, but in reality, you MUST pay it or get a lien on your property.

Isn't a direct tax like this illegal?

County To Charge Fees For Policing - Reported by: Cristina Flores - Thursday, Jan 7, 2010 @12:05am CST

My favorite line, when the County said it isn't a tax...
"If it looks like a turd and smells like a turd…it is a turd"

Anyone having Flashbacks to WWII and the Cold War??

Back in Nazi Germany the Government (German Government) was using all kinds of methods to gather information on people...
During the same basic time, we had rampant McCarthyism rolling around in America.

None of that has changed, I guess, as our Government moves to become more Fascist (or Socialist, or Totalitarian)

I am not sure if this guy is for real, or what, but he hits several things dead on, especially in light of this news article that I found over on

The FBI Wants To Know About Your IT Skills

People, it is time to WAKE UP!

Not only are the New Scanners (at Airports) bad for you, they also break the law...

New scanners break child porn laws - Alan Travis, home affairs editor -, Monday 4 January 2010 22.14 GMT

Well, isn't that interesting? So we can get mutations in our DNA and we can violate people's privacy, their morality, and their sense of safety and security (not just their freedom) in one place... the Airport.

Earlier I wrote about how these machines can cause DNA Mutations...

Why do we continue to support a government who cannot protect its citizens?

You might also be interested in how these technologies really don't even work for the purposes they were created.

Can Imaging Technologies Save Us From Terrorists?

Then you should ask yourself, do you really want one of your images to end up out on the internet?
Airport Scanners Can Store and Transmit Images

Friday, January 08, 2010

Robots Battle...or compete...either way, I WANT IN!

I love the old show "Battle Droids" and the other ones like it... it was a lot of fun to watch these guys and their remote controlled killing machines go at each other...

Now I hear these ideas are being resurrected as a teaching tool for High Schoolers... I want in!
Take me back to High School, so I can build one of these and I will die happy...

Robots will battle in Utah competition, January 7th, 2010 @ 7:25am, By Paul Nelson

"... the University of Utah will host the Regional FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition, where high school kids will build robots to battle it out."

"... 16 teams of 20 to 25 people will get $35,000 worth of hardware to build robots the size of refrigerators."


I might have what it takes, but in reality, I don't have the time... but I will keep this blog posted...

Students gear up for robot competition - January 9th, 2010 @ 10:06pm