Sunday, May 30, 2010

Exxon v. Deepwater

The worst OIL disaster to happen in recent years was Exxon Valdez. It happened on March 24th, 1989. Within the first 3 months of Bush I's term in office.
In fact, we are still experiencing issues from that spill

Now, 18 months under a new administration, we see something similar, but far worse, the Deepwater Horizon incident

When we look back at the Exxon incident, we see a lot of sharp and biting criticism of the then president for not having acted fast enough to take over control of that spill:
14 days after Exxon = Peter Jennings: Well, it took him a while to make up his mind, 14 days after the oil began pouring out of the Exxon Valdez into Prince William Sound, President Bush has ordered the federal government to take over control of the effort to clean it up, which makes it a hotter political issues, too little, too late.
15 days after Exxon = Dallas Morning News: Decision to send troops and equipment is long overdue.
22 days after Exxon = Seattle Times: Alaskan oil spill, crisis not under control, despite all of the promises. The inexcusable delay in the clean-up of the Exxon Valdez oil spill continues. More than a week after President Bush expressed interest in the catastrophe, little federal help has even arrived on the oil soaked beaches of Prince William Sound.
27 days after Exxon = Bush administration yesterday faced sharp criticism from the U.S. congress for not decisively taking control of the Exxon Valdez oil spill as senators called for new laws that would require the president to direct such clean-up efforts in the future. Senator majority leader George Mitchell said George Bush was, quote, slow to comprehend the magnitude of this disaster and valuable hours were lost after the May 24th spill in Alaska’s Prince William Sound when it might still have been controllable.

April 20, 2010, Deepwater Horizon.
Would you like to see the criticism of President Obama for his failure to act fast enough? For his failure to federalize the clean-up efforts?
10. Do a Google News search for "Deepwater Horizon Obama" and read...
09. Mechanic testifies BP made fatal decision on rig
‎08. Obama visits as Gulf oil spreads
‎07. Reforms Slow to Arrive at Drilling Agency
‎06. BP's Robots to Begin Next Attempt to Curb Record Oil Spill
‎05. Holiday weekend is ominous sign of hard times to come for ...
‎04. The American public could partly blame themselves for the BP oil ...
‎03. Oil leak an 'environmental crime'
‎02. Failings on Deepwater Horizon oil rig put thousands of jobs at risk
‎01. In Gulf Coast oil response, modern meets primeval

Well, isn't that interesting? Not a single criticism, and it has been 41 days, as of this writing.
What happened? Did the media forget how to report criticism of our President? Are people just unwilling to criticise him? Why the different treatment?
Instead, we seem to get a lot of excuse making:
Deepwater Horizon Well Now Worst Oil Spill on Record‎ = this isn't true. (see information on Gulf War Oil Spill, Lakeview Gusher, Ixtoc I, etc.)

Then, instead of dealing with this "national crisis", being "on the ground" and dealing with it, he is off on Vacation.
No wonder we have media pundits telling us how much he cares...they have to keep reminding us, or we might forget:
James Carville: I think it's a man who cares
Suzanne Malveaux: This administration, A, cares about this.
James Carville: This is a man who cares.
Plaquemines Parish President: I truly believe he cares.
Diana Sawyer: show that he cares.
David Gergen: President Obama clearly cares.

To the families and friends of the Victims in the Deepwater Horizon incident, I apologize for our President. His inaction and the inaction of our Federal Government is letting this spill go on, destroying the ecology and economy, and he has failed to recognize the other victims in all this.
The rest of us haven't forgotten you, or the family/friends you lost in the explosion. We haven't forgotten that lively hoods are affected and the ecology is being destroyed. We speak out, we write letters, and we talk with people to get them to remember too.

The IRS is Evil

Some of the new legislation that has been passed in the last little while, YES, including Obamacare, gives the IRS new and exciting powers to tax the peoples of this great country.

The IRS now wants everyone, every small business, every sale of some item, even from private sales between private individuals to be reported as income.
The problem is, most of that stuff is not "income" but a simple transformation of money into something worth money back into money...

This is the same principal as income in the first place, being an equivalency of labor, instead of food or product.

Back in the day, I would work for 12 hours on a farm. The fruit of that labor was not an hourly wage, but a bunch of corn or wheat or something else...chairs, houses, or something build or grown by the labor of my hands.
Today, instead of reaping a direct reward in physical goods, I get paid a dollar amount for my labor. When you look at it, money is equal to labor, the goods grown or produced are equal to labor...
Now I take those goods and trade them for something else I need, either in barter or in money.
Now I take the dollars I earn and I trade them for something I need, like products or services...

However, now, the IRS is illegally taking my money. If you read the IRSC, the law that governs the IRS, you see the definition of "income" is money earned from a FOREIGN source or money earned ON TOP OF your investments (interest, etc)...THOSE are the only things that the IRS can legally tax.
But at least NOW you know why the IRS is so against a FLAT TAX or the FAIR TAX systems.

And now, the IRS will be given even more power to grab your money from ANY SALE of ANY ITEM...
IRS Wants a Cut of Sales On eBay and Craigslist

When will it stop?
The cost of everything continues to go up, the income we receive goes down, or investments are tanking, the economy is in shambles with no improvement in sight...and they still want MORE.

It must stop.

Science and Religion...

What Scientists Really Think About Religion

Spiritual I have almost heard everything... ;)

This is an interesting read on the state of Religion in the Scientific Community...

Seems not all is as we are told by certain groups of individuals...

Ubuntu and the Linux Beginner

I have touted the benefits of Ubuntu over Microsoft for years. That will not change. Ubuntu is changing and getting better and better, easier and easier to use, especially for those that are scared to try something new...

Ubuntu and Mint are WAY ahead of the curve...

Tom's Hardware has a great review of the new release of Ubuntu 10.04...

What's New And What's Changed

Then, head to Ubuntu or Mint Linux's web sites, get a copy and get out from under Microsoft's jack boot!

Immigration v. Illegal Immigration and Ignorance

People really have no idea what they are talking is one of the most sad things I have seen. If we read the following article:
Immigration debate frequently hits home in Utah
We see a perfect example of what I mean...

Theresa Martinez, an associate professor at the University of Utah, says:
"It's really frightening stuff that's happening in Arizona,"

That is enlightening, as NOTHING has happened in Arizona that wasn't already LAW on the FEDERAL LAW BOOKS. If she is so scared by "Arizona Law", where was this fear when the Federal Law was enacted? And is this fear NEW because of Arizona? Or just a CONTINUED fear because of the Original Federal Law that Arizona plans to enforce?

"Racial profiling is not allowed under the law, but Martinez says it leaves law enforcement no choice -- and she says the future would be dramatically different for not only illegal immigrants, but U.S. citizens as well."

Really? And are the Federal ICE agents "given no choice" and do they "Racially Profile" in violation of the law?
Why do detractors of the Illegal Immigration Law have so little regard for our law enforcement? Why do they all believe that our law enforcement officers are all so evil as to racially profile for fun? Or that they violate the law "just because"?
I am sorry, but I will trust them. Officers RARELY violate the law. They USUALLY do the right thing.

The Liberals are clouding this issue. They are keeping people ignorant as to the Origins of the Arizona Law. They are keeping people ignorant as to the real cost and effect of Illegal Immigrants in the United States. They keep changing the argument from "illegal immigration" to "immigration"... lets not lose focus.
This issue is ONLY about Illegal Immigrants and Illegal Immigration. Law Abiding Individuals have nothing to fear. Our Law Enforcement professionals are NOT in the business of violating people's rights or breaking the law.

Don't be fooled. Support stronger immigration laws in Utah.

Do Nothing Gesture

I find it completely funny (not really) how our government will completely clamp on the binders, take away our rights, and try to control everything in our lives...just to "make us safe"...or at least, make us think we are being made safe...
In this case, they are going to require ID to buy a pre-paid cell phone, something also called a "burn phone"...used by criminals, and by cheapskates...
The only problem is, they will soon just pass these phones around and sell them on Ebay, etc...
They will pass these phones around until the person using it next will be completely unaware of who used it last, and who they really got it from. Once that is done, they cannot be burned with the phone, and they can still do business for a short time with it...
It will, at best, foil current law enforcement efforts, where the attach known phone numbers to crimes...and the phones will be legal in all cases, and still on the street, instead of off the street.
This is "feel good" legislation, at its best.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Illegal Immigration

One of the most useful liberal tools is to "change the words so you change the argument".

I have 2 really good examples of this:

#1- (Truth) Utah is last in Education Funding, (Liberalism) Utah is last in Education.

#2- (Truth) You are against Illegal Immigration, (Liberalism) You are against Immigration.

As you can see, one argument is quite different from the other.

Because of the success of the Liberals in this tactic, we are constantly questioning what we are doing...
For instance, the new Arizona Immigration Law is a shining example of a State taking responsibility for something that the Federal Government is failing to deal with. The Arizona law mirrors the Federal Legislation. Yes, somehow, the Arizona Law is Racist, while the Federal Law is OK...the only difference, or the thing that makes the Arizona law "racist" is the ENFORCEMENT of that law. If you don't enforce Federal Law, it isn't Racist, but if you enforce it, THEN you are racist.

Sounds about right...

The sad part is when the idiocy starts to influence thinking people to the point that they cannot see the forest for the trees...

Salt Lake police chief to talk immigration with US attorney general

Hatch: Arizona immigration law not good for Utah

I just hope people wake up BEFORE it is too late...

I mean, really...

Obama DOES BELIEVE there is a problem, or he wouldn't be sending in troops to protect the borders...

Troops to the Mexican border: Obama to send 1,200

I don't suppose the military can racially profile people? Hmmmm... lots of back talk and two-facedness going on here...

I cannot believe some of the garbage these guys are saying:

Salt Lake City police chief pleased with DC immigration meeting
"What is the criteria then to stop somebody if it's not race, color of their skin, the language that they speak or their ethnic background?"
--DUH! You stop them when they BREAK THE LAW!!

"One third of our population, to alienate them or to treat them differently than we do other people, well that's absolutely wrong,"
--WHAT? If they are ILLEGAL or if they are LEGAL IMMIGRANTS we DO NOT treat them differently! They are required by LAW to have their papers! They are REQUIRED BY LAW to be here LEGALLY!
If 1/3rd of our population is her illegally, then YES, we treat them like Criminals because they ARE criminals!
We all know that isn't the case, but those that are "legal" and are "obeying the law" have nothing to fear! The rest, well, GET THEM! Punish Them for Breaking Our Laws! WOuld you say that we shouldn't treat the criminals in our state, regardless of race, differently than other people? Take race out of the equation! If they are IMMIGRANTS from the Planet Mars and they are here ILLEGALLY, the YES, we treat them like criminals because they ARE!


Utah Proving Itself Again!

I like Utah. Life here, while maybe not "elevated", it is definitely "slower" than in other places I have lived. More relaxed, nicer people, and the laws are fairly good when it comes to self protection and individual rights.

The Education system is doing more with less, and the people are Religious and (for the most part) Politically active. (see ya, Bennett!)

Now, we are also seeing some other good reports (Utah is usually one of the "top ten" places to live, and here is why):

Violent crime down; some Utahns say they see it

Salt Lake City ranks high for health, livability

Welcome to Utah

Microsoft and Win 7

Seems there are more troubles for Microsoft and their latest Operating System...

Microsoft Warns of Windows 7 Graphics Flaw


Sunday, May 23, 2010

From the Round File

Scribd Switches To HTML5

This is good news! HTML 5 has some real potential!

Get Gephardt Investigation: Can A Machine Really Make Your Water Healthier?

Can we say "snake oil"?

I believe in using water in your daily diet to help with "healthy living", but I doubt there is anything that you could do to your water, asside from drinking natural spring water, that could help you.

E-books not selling well at schools

I used one of these once, it was great, and saved me up to 50% on the book. I think the biggest problem is, some people don't have a laptop or whatever to read one of these books on, and others like to have physical pages, etc. But if you could highlight, make notes, etc, in the book, you could benefit from an e-book, especially if it saved you 50% or more on the cost!

Russian Officials To Investigate Regional President's Alien Abduction Claims

Ok, I think these Russians have been hitting the Vodka again...

Justice Not As Blind As Previously Thought we need to blind justice? Put her eyes out? What?

Study Shows Standing Up To Bullies Is Good For You

Seriously, folks, if the Government has enough money to blow on this kind of study, they are taking too much of your money in taxes!
I mean, really, DUH!
(How about that story last year about the 3 million study about why men don't like condoms? Seriously, 3 million to figure that one out? DUH!!)

The poor state of "stimulus"

I have made many suggestions and statements as to how to fix the economy...and at every turn, Obama and his administration are working AGAINST what would really help this economy.

Recession Cuts Operation That Uses Hair To Clean Up Oil

You would think, with the amount of money they are spending on this oil clean up in the Gulf, that they could afford to get that program funded and use the resources they have stimulus there! Why does our government always MISS THE MARK when it comes to STIMULUS? (because it isn't stimulus for YOU and ME, but for their friends in Big Government or in Big Business...)

Tax or Bill, the Unified Police of Salt Lake County

Unpaid Police Service Fees in Salt Lake County

Unified Police bills going unpaid; businesses call fees unfair

Remember, I talked about the "double dipping" of the Police in Salt Lake County...well, no surprise here, but they aren't getting paid. People are simply sick of the constant taking of their money, without any real explanation of how or where that money is being spent. Not to mention as to WHY they are being charged twice for the same service.

So what are the Police gonna do? It isn't a tax, but a bill. How can they force someone to pay for something they may not want? How will they explain why they didn't show up to an emergency, when that is what our taxes pay for? Are they just going to stop responding? Can they?

The people of Salt Lake County need to just all together say, "No, we aren't going to pay!" Then when it goes to court, the courts will have to strike it down.

This is really similar to what will happen with Obama Care... the Government cannot force you to pay for something that isn't a tax and isn't a product or service you want or agree to pay for.

The Perverts over at the TSA

These are the people we trust with our "air safety"? It is worse than a joke...

TSA Worker Jailed In Body Scan Rage Incident

I wonder why certain questions have never been asked about this incident:

Why was the supervisor not fired for harassing a co-worker, SEXUALLY, on the job.
Why hasn't there been any follow up on the Verified Sexual Harassment?
If you can see genitalia on these scanners, what happens when someone under the age of 18 goes through them. Possession of Child Porn? Viewing Child Porn?
Why are these machines hooked up to the internet and why do they have email capabilities?
Who is watching the watchers?

Seems like someone needs to be:
Read the related stories at the bottom of the article:
And another angle of the story here:

Obama is Bipartisan

Ok, so I am taking a little license with this...
By bipartisan, I mean everyone, Democrats and Republicans, dislike him equally...

Outspoken Rocky Anderson Slams Obama in 2News Interview

If this isn't proof that Obama is getting it all wrong, I don't know what is...

Rocky Anderson was a HUGE critic of Bush, and now, he is criticising Obama.
It just goes to show what we have been saying all along...There isn't much difference between Republican and Democrat...

"There's no question that we're seeing a continuation, and even in some instances a worsening of our republic under this administration."

Which is what I have saying all along.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Obama's skeletons

We all have some skeletons in our closet, but Obama's have nearly been covered up. It is amazing what money and a lying media can do!

Mystery and Obama
Who is Obama? I know I have asked that question before, and we really should be asking it again and again! For someone so willing to "open government" to scrutiny, he is so very closed and secretive to his own information; why? He is a public official, and his information should be mad public.

We also have found out more about his "fraud", i.e. using more than one Social Security Number, getting school funding as a "foreign exchange student", some fraud going on in the Chicago Bar, and now, his Selective Service registration.

There seem to be explanations for most of all this stuff, but the question remains, why is he being so secret about the answers? Wouldn't it be easier for him to come out and give the answers, open the records, and give people what they want; the Truth?

A true American Hero

In the news recently, we have heard about the Times Square bomber, a naturalized citizen from Pakistan.
What about the other side of the Coin?
Sgt. Franco Aguilar of the Sevier County Sheriff's office was a naturalized citizen from Mexico. He died in the line of duty this last week.
He served in the Marines and the Highway Patrol and was a SWAT team member. He had a family of five children and was friends with everyone he knew.
He is the perfect example of "how to do things right", and should be held as an example to all people, not just immigrants.

O Theos Mazi Sou, Kirie Aguilar!

The XXX domain idea just won't die

I know, I know! I keep tooting my own horn on this one. But it isn't every day that I have an idea that endures this long and becomes such a big deal!

Last I wrote, they had decided to NOT do the XXX TLD, but now, they have changed their minds again, and are again taking a look at it...

Well, it is a good idea!

Global Cooling

We know AGW to be a hoax, that "man" has little to do with the current "Climate Change", but something that is becoming more and more obvious is the extent that "they" have gone to in spreading the lies to make their money...
Things like "global warming means more snow" and "global warming doesn't mean the earth will get warmer"...yes, these are things that people have said in this debate.
How about the fact that there is more ant-Arctic ice now than there has been in the recent past?

How about the fact that the same ice shelf has been falling since 1999?
How many times do we recycle the alarm over the seasonal melting of the same few thousand square miles of floating ice (ice that floats cannot contribute to sea level rise), off a continent that exceeds five million square miles in area?
Here is what one person says about it,
An excellent analysis posted on April 17th, 2009 by Ron de Haan entitled “The Antarctic Wilkins Ice Shelf Collapse: Media recycles photos and storylines from previous years,” documents how the Wilkins Ice Shelf has been reported by the mainstream media to be ominously collapsing every year now since 1999. Haan also provides satellite photography back as far as 1993 showing the end-of-summer thaws and mid-winter maximums for the Wilkins Ice Shelf. Not much has changed over the past 15 years.

Please people, don't fall for the hype!

Public Servants

I have complained about this before, but this article puts it into perspective in a very pointed way.
The politicians are taking advantage of the tax payer. We work, not to support the Government and necessary things like defense, but we work to support the politicians...

Who in their right mind would pay their "servant" better than they, themselves, are getting paid? Who could afford that?

It has definitely become an "us v. them".

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

The Environment: CO2 and CH4

As we have discussed, CO2 is NOT a pollutant, but did you know PEOPLE are the leading cause of CO2?

Breathing produces approximately 2.3 pounds (1 kg) of carbon dioxide per day per person.
With 307,006,550 people in the United States, that comes to 706,115,065 pounds per day.
With 6,697,254,041 people in the world, that comes to 15,403,684,294 pounds per day.

One of the best ways to combat CO2? Plant A Tree!

According to this article, however, Methane could be worse than CO2 for Global Warming!

Should we become Vegetarian to reduce Methane emissions?

I think they forgot something:
Yes, livestock produces large amounts of Methane, but if we let the populations of animals go uncontrolled, how will that reduce the number of animals?
(i.e. they haven't thought this all the way through)

I propose a couple things here.
1) Plant more trees, reduce CO2 in the Atmosphere.
2) Control animal populations by eating them
3) Find ways to recover Methane from the atmosphere
4) Recycle Animal Waste (use it for fuel, etc)

One Reason To Oppose Social Programs

When we talk about "sustainability" we are talking about environmental issues and resources...
What about MONEY?
Is the current Modus Operandi of the Government "sustainable"?

Sustainability of Socialism

"...and Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They [socialists] always run out of other people's money. It's quite a characteristic of them." -- Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Thames TV This Week, February 5, 1976

The Federal Reserve

If you don't know about what the Federal Reserve is, you should read the following links.
Then, when you are done pulling your hair out, realize, this is something that can only destroy our country.
Elect people who are against the use of the Federal Reserve and will work to get rid of it.

How the Federal Reserve can Destroy us...

The way the Fed is taking advantage of us...

Then learn about what you can do!

End The Fed!

More Good Info...

Ever wonder about your taxes?

Sarah Palin & Mitt Romney in 2012


There has to be a better combination!

Actually, I think Mitt Romney and Ron Paul would be an excellent choice!

The New-New Deal

We continue to hear how the Stimulus is helping save and create jobs, yet the Unemployment Rate continues to rise. So, if jobs are being saved and created, wouldn't the Unemployment Rate FALL?

The problem is, the plan Obama has is based on a flawed idea: the idea that FDR ended the depression with the "New Deal".

by forcing taxes up and discouraging entrepreneurs from investing, probably did more harm than good.
In fact, the thing that did get us out of the depression was just the opposite,

Congress—both chambers with Democratic majorities—responded by just saying "no." No to the whole New Deal revival: no federal program for health care, no full-employment act, only limited federal housing, and no increase in minimum wage or Social Security benefits.

Instead, Congress reduced taxes. Income tax rates were cut across the board. FDR's top marginal rate, 94% on all income over $200,000, was cut to 86.45%. The lowest rate was cut to 19% from 23%, and with a change in the amount of income exempt from taxation an estimated 12 million Americans were eliminated from the tax rolls entirely.

Corporate tax rates were trimmed and FDR's "excess profits" tax was repealed, which meant that top marginal corporate tax rates effectively went to 38% from 90% after 1945.
Now, isn't that interesting?

So why is it that here -- right now -- that we feel we need to follow a failed program? One that DIDN'T work then and WON'T work now?

Why not follow what DID work, and REMOVE the taxes, and Repeal the Social Programs? THAT actually worked!

I guess it is true, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Sir Winston Churchill

Read the whole article here...

Wasting Paper

You have seen the news, you have heard the ancedotal stories, but what is really going on with paper usafge in this country?

The Government passed the Paperwork Reduction Act, which really didn't do anything to reduce the use of paper in the Government. In fact, the Government itself causes more paper usage by all the new and numerous regulations it passes. Point-in-case; have you recently tried to buy or refinance your home?

The "Paper-less Office", actually caused 40% MORE paper to be used.

Now, we even have the paper manufacturers calling out for us to "print more", which also benefits the ink cartridge manufacturers with their $50 printer ink,

Why does this seem like the OPPOSITE of what SHOULD be happening in a climate where CONSERVATION is the "name of the game"?

Who is protected by our government?

Ihave read several sources recently that are saying bad things about our government. THings like "they are protecting the 'bad guys'"...
I would really hate to believe these things, without some confirmation, so I went searching.
First, we find that the Government is behind what is becoming known as "astro-turffing". The practice of creating fake or pseudo-grass-roots organizations to combat the popular grass-roots organizations that are against the current policies of this administration.

Next, you have people in high places telling their "astro-turf" members to "infiltrate" the real grass-roots orgs, and not for good purposes.

And finally, you have them making things up, lying, being purposefully deceptive about the Grass-Roots movements, maybe they feel threatened?

What have we come to?

To top it off, the oil rig explodes, and instead of suspecting terrorists, we are told it "is probably someone who hates obamacare".

Instead of believing the best about it's own Citizens, the Government tries to condemn its citizens for exercising their first amendment rights!

Then, when we do decide to do something "right", when we decide to follow Federal Law (instead of ignore it) we get called RACISTS.

Isn't the Government supposed to PROTECT us from these actions?
Instead, it appears that the Government has sided with law breakers (illegal immigrants) and Terrorists.

But then, just to be contrary, many people want to change positions on how we handle certain peoples. This latest bombing attempt, the Times Square one, was done by "Taliban" or "al Qaeda", who just happens to be a naturalized citizen.

Instead of everyone demanding that we protect his rights, as a citizen (miranda, etc), they just want to "string him up".
If we let the Constitution continue to fail us, we will end up in a dictatorship, where rights turn into privileges, and privileges are only granted to privileged individuals.
Glenn Beck is under fire for saying that "this is the USA! we protect citizen's rights", and John McCain is complaining about how we are protecting this bomber's rights.
I don't care who you are, if you are a citizen, you deserve to have your rights, to have your day in court.
(also, please note, Rachel Maddow and Glenn Beck actually agree on this issue of rights. Prolly the first time in history (and maybe the last?) that they might agree, but maybe she is having a change of heart?)

Bottom line here, we live in America. We have "rule of law" and we must follow that. If we make exceptions, we will soon have no rule of law, but rule of fear, tyranny.
You don't try to destroy "grass-roots" orgs, you try to understand them. Why? Because they are citizens and they have concerns.
You don't start throwing labels around, like "anti-government" and "seditious", because someone disagrees with the current administration's policies, you listen to them. Why? Because they are citizens and they have concerns.
You don't violate someone's rights, just because they commit a crime. Everyone has "basic human rights" and citizens have "citizen's rights". We must follow "rule of law". Why? Because we are America and that is how we roll!