In fact, we are still experiencing issues from that spill
Now, 18 months under a new administration, we see something similar, but far worse, the Deepwater Horizon incident
When we look back at the Exxon incident, we see a lot of sharp and biting criticism of the then president for not having acted fast enough to take over control of that spill:
14 days after Exxon = Peter Jennings: Well, it took him a while to make up his mind, 14 days after the oil began pouring out of the Exxon Valdez into Prince William Sound, President Bush has ordered the federal government to take over control of the effort to clean it up, which makes it a hotter political issues, too little, too late.
15 days after Exxon = Dallas Morning News: Decision to send troops and equipment is long overdue.
22 days after Exxon = Seattle Times: Alaskan oil spill, crisis not under control, despite all of the promises. The inexcusable delay in the clean-up of the Exxon Valdez oil spill continues. More than a week after President Bush expressed interest in the catastrophe, little federal help has even arrived on the oil soaked beaches of Prince William Sound.
27 days after Exxon = Bush administration yesterday faced sharp criticism from the U.S. congress for not decisively taking control of the Exxon Valdez oil spill as senators called for new laws that would require the president to direct such clean-up efforts in the future. Senator majority leader George Mitchell said George Bush was, quote, slow to comprehend the magnitude of this disaster and valuable hours were lost after the May 24th spill in Alaska’s Prince William Sound when it might still have been controllable.
April 20, 2010, Deepwater Horizon.
Would you like to see the criticism of President Obama for his failure to act fast enough? For his failure to federalize the clean-up efforts?
10. Do a Google News search for "Deepwater Horizon Obama" and read...
09. Mechanic testifies BP made fatal decision on rig
08. Obama visits as Gulf oil spreads
07. Reforms Slow to Arrive at Drilling Agency
06. BP's Robots to Begin Next Attempt to Curb Record Oil Spill
05. Holiday weekend is ominous sign of hard times to come for ...
04. The American public could partly blame themselves for the BP oil ...
03. Oil leak an 'environmental crime'
02. Failings on Deepwater Horizon oil rig put thousands of jobs at risk
01. In Gulf Coast oil response, modern meets primeval
Well, isn't that interesting? Not a single criticism, and it has been 41 days, as of this writing.
What happened? Did the media forget how to report criticism of our President? Are people just unwilling to criticise him? Why the different treatment?
Instead, we seem to get a lot of excuse making:
Deepwater Horizon Well Now Worst Oil Spill on Record = this isn't true. (see information on Gulf War Oil Spill, Lakeview Gusher, Ixtoc I, etc.)
Then, instead of dealing with this "national crisis", being "on the ground" and dealing with it, he is off on Vacation.
No wonder we have media pundits telling us how much he cares...they have to keep reminding us, or we might forget:
James Carville: I think it's a man who cares
Suzanne Malveaux: This administration, A, cares about this.
James Carville: This is a man who cares.
Plaquemines Parish President: I truly believe he cares.
Diana Sawyer: show that he cares.
David Gergen: President Obama clearly cares.
To the families and friends of the Victims in the Deepwater Horizon incident, I apologize for our President. His inaction and the inaction of our Federal Government is letting this spill go on, destroying the ecology and economy, and he has failed to recognize the other victims in all this.
The rest of us haven't forgotten you, or the family/friends you lost in the explosion. We haven't forgotten that lively hoods are affected and the ecology is being destroyed. We speak out, we write letters, and we talk with people to get them to remember too.