Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Big Brother and Auto Makers

For a long time, people have been accusing "Big Brother" of all kinds of things...most seem improbable, and many are just too complicated for someone on government pay...but there are those time when people just might have the right idea, and at those times, we need to stand up and say, "Say What?"...

When the Government decided it would be a good idea to put RFID chips in a passport...Say What?
When the Government decided to put video surveillance all over town, just on the off chance a criminal might be dumb enough to get caught on camera...Say What?
When the Government wanted to track cell phone signals to monitor traffic...Say What?
When the Government wanted to monitor all cellphone, land lines, emails, and other communication, just because "someone might do something illegal"...Say What?

Well, here is a new one...
New program could eliminate need for emissions testing

Now, before you all go off thinking I am paranoid...well...I am, and that doesn't mean they aren't out to get me...

"The county's proposal involves a computer chip about the size of a mini Post-it note. Technicians would plug it into your car, and it would transmit emissions information about your car to receivers set up throughout the county. If something is wrong, you'll get a letter in the mail; if not, you'll never have to bring your car in to get tested."

If emissions were really a concern, the auto makers would have sensors that would track the average emissions, and over time, warn you when those numbers fall out of the acceptable "norm". These "norms" would be adjustable year by year, so you would never be "out of date".
Then, when you have fallen out of compliance, it warns you to get it fixed. If you are out of compliance long enough, it would simply fail to start one morning, and you would not be able to drive it until it was fixed. The cost of towing should be enough of a deterrent to get it fixed when it tells you to.
No need to broadcast anything, no need to go in for a yearly check-up, no need for any of that. It tells you to get it fixed, or you loose the ability to drive it, till it is fixed.

But see, this would require some thought...and Detroit hasn't had a good thought about cars in far too long. We end up in a gas crunch and SUVs fall out of favor...why were we producing SUVs in the first place...and with all the advancements in engine technology, why are cars no more efficient NOW than they were in the 1930s?

Another question to ask auto makers is, since we have all known the oil is a dwindling product, why have they waited until now to do something about it? And why is Honda (a non US vehicle manufacturer) the only one making a production CNG car?
Why are we not building more of the "really efficient" serial-hybrid-electrics that get 60mpg or greater? Why are we only producing the hybrid-electrics that get 30-40 mpg?
How is it that VW has a car that WILL be available in the US in 2010, that gets 280mpg...but US auto makers cannot seem to get better than 45mpg?
How does VW get a standard Diesel to get 50+ mpg? But Detroit gets 20s or 30s from theirs?

The Auto Makers of the US DO NOT CARE about the environment, and maybe they should go out of business. You will notice that Honda, Nissan, VW, Mercedes, and others ARE NOT going out of business...only Ford, Dodge, and Chevy...isn't this ODD?

It has, however, been convenient for the Oil Companies, and our Government...

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