Monday, February 02, 2009

"Did Everything Right"

I hate this phrase...
I saw on the news the other week that a guy defended his home and family with a firearm during an attempted home invasion.
The officer they interviewed said that "we certainly don't recommend standing up to an armed robber, but the home-owner didn't do anything wrong"...
I wanted to scream.
This is the same kind of phrase they use any time a "good guy" stands up to a "bad guy". "We don't recommend it"...
What they do recommend is that you comply with the bad guy's wishes. As if somehow acquiescing to the demands of a bad guy is going to make it all right.
Recently, a story in the news told about a home invader who flashes a gun and steals a purse. The officer says "They did everything right and complied"...
What if the bad guy wanted to rape her or her teen daughter, should she have complied? Would that have made the home invasion better? Better for whom?
Then the officer shows just how out of touch he is with reality when he says, "(It) certainly scared the kids and the victim." Um, if it scared the kids, THEY ARE ALSO VICTIMS...

In my world, if a home invader comes into my home and flashes a gun, he gets two rounds in center mass and I call an ambulance...
I would then like to hear the police say, "He did everything right"...but you just know that won't happen. All legal indicators are that the Police are NOT responsible for YOUR PERSONAL safety...but for the safety of society as a whole, so why do they continue to tell people that it is ok to be victimized and just call 911?
It is, after all, MY responsibility to provide for my own self protection. When seconds count, the police are only minutes away!

Man arrested following home invasion robbery

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