Sunday, September 27, 2009

Obamacare = Tax

It seems the InfoMills are running over time on this one, but it looks like the MANDATORY $1900 due for the Obama Health Care option could be turned over to the IRS to prosecute if you fail to pay...
Obama was saying that this wouldn't constitute a "TAX", but if that is true, WHY THE IRS??

Fail to pay ObamaCare fine, go to jail?

Flout the mandate penalty? Face the IRS


I thought this was a bit "conspiracy theory"ish when I first put this out on my blog, but it is now being reported by the mainstream media:

57% of Voting Americans are now OPPOSED to Obama's Healthcare plan, mainly because it will contain a MANDATORY provision, and if you fail to buy it, then you can receive a misdemeanor criminal charge, a fine up to $25000, and possibly a year in Jail.

NONE of this makes any sense. If you cannot afford Healthcare, and you STILL HAVE TO PAY FOR IT, but NOT PAYING FOR IT makes you a CRIMINAL...
Hay, folks, this isn't about "healthcare reform" this is about power and control. This isn't about providing health insurance to those that need it, it is about forcing everyone to buy government insurance.

It will be interesting to see who else picks up this story, and what spin the Liberal News will use...
Just one last thought here, PEOPLE aren't stupid. They are capable of seeing that this whole thing is a bad idea.
First off, it is illegal for the Government to put "undo hardship" on people.
Secondly, under threat of IRS and Jail, they are going to FORCE you to use their insurance
Thirdly, it is illegal for the Government to compete in the Private Sector

Three strikes and you are OUT!

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