Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Healthcare Opt-Out

Now this is a big one. The Federal Government (namely the Democrats) have decided they know what is best for us. In doing so, they have violated their mandate to uphold the Constitution and have become the enemies of Freedom. Lucky for us, some states and other "grass roots" organizations have seen this to be the truth and are doing something about it.

The following bill would allow Utah to OPT-OUT of the federal healthcare legislation. I believe 19 other states HAVE the same kind of law and up to 38 states are considering a law suit over the sweeping legislation.

Bill would allow Utah to opt out of federal health care reform

If the above bill fails, it is ok, because we can seek legal remedy. There are 19 or so states (and growing) that are up to the task of taking on the Feds in court.

Utah's attorney general will join lawsuit against health care reform

One might ask, "WHY?" Well, if you ask, then you haven't read what the bill contains. Taxes on small businesses, limits on coverage, increases in cost, nothing to stop the real problems, and penalties for failing to comply.

Business Owners Say "Tan Tax" Will Burn

I think, as do many others, that we shouldn't be worrying about a law suit. THese can take years and can be expensive. WHy not use the powers that exist within the individual and within the state as protected by the 10th Amendment?

State AGs Miss Target with Health Care Lawsuit says the Tenth Amendment Center

Federal Health Care Nullification Act

There are also "class-action" suits that are starting. I would suggest getting on the list and put your name to good use.
Obamacare Class Action

We have high profile support from all over the country, don't lose hope!
Pataki Says Obamacare Can Be Repealed

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