Friday, September 03, 2010

Insanity in the White House

The very definition of insanity...
"Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result each time"

When Bush declared the need for bail-outs and stimulus, the democrats declared it was a bad idea and that it wouldn't work.
Republicans Should Vote Against the Bailout
When Obama declared the need to continue and expand the bail-outs and stimulus, the democrats declared it was a good idea...
Dems' Downfall: Obama's "Unpopular but Necessary" Bailouts?
Now, we know that the bail-outs have largely failed, some of the banks that have received bail-out money have collapsed anyway, Freddie and Fannie are asking for MORE bail-out money...
One more bailout
Jobs continue to be lost:
Obama to Comment Friday on Jobless Report
Employment Situation Summary
And things are only getting worse...
'Recovery Summer' Ends With Economic Pothole

Ok, so what have we learned? Bail-outs and Stimulus DO NOT WORK.
Is that why Obama is planning more stimulus?
White House considering emergency economic stimuli

Therefore, we can conclude one (or more) of several things:
1) Obama and the Democrat Congress are Insane
2) Obama and the Democrat Congress do not learned from History, so they are Doomed to Repeat it
3) Obama and the Democrat Congress is out to destroy America financially, on purpose
4) Obama and the Democrat Congress are simply bone stupid

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