Monday, December 22, 2008

The great Black Hole for Money

When I think about this 800 BILLION bail-out, I find some things interesting:

A) The banks are claiming there is no way to track where or how they spent the Billion dollars they received.
For 3 of the past 5 years I have worked for banks. I know this to be false. Banks track every fraction of a penny. They know where it goes and where it comes from. Otherwise, they would be negligent in their obligations to their customers and stock holders.
Don't be fooled, if they say, "I don't know where it is, where it went..." they are lying to you.

B) Democrats (the "friends of the People") and Republicans (the "friends of the Big Business") seem to have swapped places. The Democrats were all hot to give money cart-blanch to the Auto Industry, while the Republicans were asking for all kinds of restrictions and oversight.
Bush, himself, is letting the Auto Industry go bankrupt, although it is in a more controlled way...but still...

C) Bush has been a "Tax-Break and Spend" kind of guy. We have seen all kinds of plans to give us a tax break and yet, the government is spending more now than ever before. The National Debt has grown from about 6.3 Trillion to 10.3 Trillion in 8 years.
Obama's plans follow this pattern. He is looking to give tax breaks and yet, even before he gets into office, the National Debt is going UP at an alarming rate. If he continues this policy, we could go from 10.3 to 16.3 trillion in the next 8 years.

This brings to mind a little saying:
If you always do what you have always done, you always get what you always got.

In order for anything to get better, we have to let the Free Market roam Freely...we have to see what prices and what value is placed on goods and services. And it has to be done without government interference (with the exception of Anti-Trust and Monopoly issues)...

We need to shrink the Government. We need to get control of the Government Spending. We need to get more people involved in Government (Grass Roots) as well as get the Good Old Guys out of Government. We need new ideas. We need to restructure the Tax Plan. We need to remove the "perks" of serving in public office. We need to restore the people's confidence in their Government.

This is all "DIFFERENT"...if we did this, we would have a DIFFERENT outcome, not the "same old thing"...

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