Thursday, December 04, 2008

Where'd the Money Go?

As with all things, there is a solution to much of the financial woes we are currently experiencing:

But BUSH and OBAMA, being the people that they are, have decided that SOMEHOW we can give tax cuts and tax rebates AND increase spending...
This is why the National Debt has grown so much under Bush, and with Obama's current thoughts on the Economy, it isn't going to end any time soon.
What we can do is tall the politicians to do something with Illegal Immigration. We are hiring illegals, because they will work for nothing AND we don't have to provide benefits, etc. However, they take most of that money, none of which has had any tax paid, and they ship it back to Mexico. Our money does us no good in does them a world of good, but it shorts our economy.
However, that doesn't make any difference to many politicians...they want to legalize the illegals, and create "guest worker" programs. Well, hold on...we have a dwindling economy, people out of work, and yet, we still want to invite people to come over and take jobs that rightly belong to Americans -
Ok, at least with a guest worker program, taxes are paid and benefits provided, but jobs and money are still GONE.

The other one is simple. Stop buying crap from China. Stop sending our money over seas. I would also say, stop buying gasoline, but that ain't happening...
Even with the price of gas down, we should be screaming for more fuel efficiency (which really hasn't changed since the 1930s) and for more alternatives to gasoline. I am just afraid that now that gasoline is under $2 that people will let this issue die.
Take a look at Dubai in the UAE...That is where all your money is going...
Funny thing is, if the Automakers sold the cars we want, and the fuel to run them (batteries, natural gas, hydrogen) then all that money would stay inside the United States, and our cities might look like Dubai...

Sad part is, we have no one to blame but ourselves. We have allowed things to get so bad. We buy our fuel from the Arabs and our junk from China. Electric cars have been around since the 50s, turbine cars (that will burn any alcohol (from plants, etc)) were produced (shortly) in the 50s, Bio Diesel has been around for about 30-40 years...there really is no excuse for our reliance on foreign oil. Oh, and everything sold to us by China could be manufactured and sold right here in America, if someone cared to do it...yes, it might cost a little more, but it would be free of LEAD (unless you like to eat off lead painted plates, or having your children put lead painted toys in their mouths) because our quality and safety standards are higher here then over there...

We need to make the right types and the right number of cuts in the government...and I don't mean in services personnel and in "special services" and salaries...I will write later to show just how much could be saved (estimate) if these changes are made. While I don't know for sure, and I can only make a slight guess as to they types and number of jobs that need cutting, I would say that we could save BILLIONS a year.

So, lets get off our duffs and get this situation FIXED. It isn't in the power of our corrupt politicians to do it, so we, THE PEOPLE, need to start forcing change...
Stop buying foreign, get out of debt, save money and invest in America, contact your congress critter and get them to rethink their spending policies...
Trust me, in 3-5 years, you will thank me for this advice...

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