Friday, August 19, 2005

Quiz: Is Your Boss a Psychopath?

So, like any day, I am reading along in Slashdot, and I come across this article:

"Is Your Boss a Psychopath?"

This was very interesting to me, as I happen to like my boss. SO I read on, and realized, this isn't so much talking about my boss, but about the new head of our department.
Dude is a real nutball.

1) We are located in Utah, the main company is located in Illinois, and he believes there is nothing we (in Utah) can do that those in Illinois cannot do better
2) He always has that stupidly smug look on his face, always smiling, but it is all show
3) Makes everyone uncomfortable
4) Lies through his teeth about company direction and future of our little group
5) Doesn't care about anyone but himself
6) etc.

So, check out the link, and see if your boss is a Psychopath...

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