Thursday, October 29, 2009

Why the "Legal System" isn't a "Justice System"

Some time ago, a guy decided to make some art out of some construction barrels, you know, the big orange and reflective monster things in the road?
He made a monster out of a few, and the company loved it, and even hired him to create more art for them...but the police filed charges against him, even though the "victim" wasn't a "victim"...
Barrel art nets arrest, notoriety for NC student

Now, in Provo, Utah, we have a similar situation. Some kids decided to emulate a McDonald's ad by rapping their order in the DriveThrough. When asked to order normally, they repeated the stunt, only slower...
They were then asked to order normally or leave, and they later be arrested and charged with "Disturbing the Peace"...
Now, hold on, they complied with the Business's request to leave...
Teens cited for burger ‘rap' in drive-thru

Its getting to where you aren't safe being a kid. How sad live will be when the simple act of living will get you arrested for something, charged with a non-crime (no victim) and have your record tarnished.

And where do you draw the line between "expressionism" and "bullying"?
Teachers strike back at students' online pranks

Welcome to the USSA

Russia finally won. We were warned that they would make us "communist" -- so, maybe not, but we definitely are moving to Socialism and Totalitarianism...

Totalitarianism: characterized by a government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control; of or relating to the principles of totalitarianism according to which the state regulates every realm of life

Now, lets go through "" in the Urban Policy department:

Create a White House Office on Urban Policy
The Federal Government is going to get involved on a LOCAL level, not just a State Level

Fully Fund the Community Development Block Grant
They are going to take FEDERAL Tax Dollars and Return it to the LOCAL Governments and Businesses
Why not just let the Local and State governments KEEP the money in the first place?

Support Regional Innovation Clusters
Again, a form of LOCAL Control exerted by the Federal Government, dealing with BUSINESSES

Support Job Creation
Government Jobs

Enhance Workforce Training
Government Training for Government Jobs

Increase Access to Capital for Underserved Businesses
Elimination of Free Market and Capitalism (if a business is failing due to bad policy or mismanagement, they will fund those companies; think Bail-Outs)

Create a National Network of Public-Private Business Incubators
More Government Sponsored Jobs

Convert our Manufacturing Centers into Clean Technology Leaders
Heavy Local Business Regulation by the Federal Government

Strengthen Core Infrastructure
Government Transportation System

Improve Access to Jobs
More with the Government and Controlling Jobs

Invest in a Skilled Clean Technologies Workforce
More Federal Dollars coming back through the system to Local Jobs

Lower Interest Payments by Creating a New Mortgage Interest Tax Credit
Federal controll of the housing and lending markets

Increase the Supply of Affordable Housing throughout Metropolitan Regions
Federal controll of the housing markets at the Local Level

Establish 'Promise Neighborhoods' for Areas of Concentrated Poverty

Seperation of the Poor into Government Sponsored "gettoes"

Increase the Minimum Wage
Further Government control over the Local Business

Expand the Earned Income Tax Credit
Making you feel like you aren't being raped when they steal your hard earned cash (or the bread off your table)

Help Low-Income Workers Enter the Job Market
Government sponsored Workforce

Build More Livable and Sustainable Communities
Federal Government directly involved in the building of Local Communities and heavy regulations on and within those communities

Use Innovative Measures to Dramatically Improve Efficiency of Buildings
More Federal Regulations on Local Businesses

Foster Healthy Communities
Federal control over Every Aspect of a Local Community

Support Teachers in Urban Schools
Federal Government involved directly in Local Education

Expand Early Childhood Education
More Government control, they have to make sure they have people Government Trained for their Government Jobs, while they Live in their Government Housing

Reduce the High School Dropout Rate
Sure, and just how is the Federal Government going to do that? Arrest and confine kids until school is over?

Support Local Law Enforcement
Great, now we will have Para-Military Cops, not just regular Cops

Reduce Crime Recidivism by Providing Ex-Offender Supports
The current explanation as to why this isn't done is "it is too expensive", so we live with an 80% recividism rate; so just how does the Federal Government think it will pay for these programs?

End the Dangerous Cycle of Youth Violence
Federal Government directly involved in YOUR family and raising YOUR kids...wait, aren't they YOUR responsibility?

Address Gun Violence in Cities
Only Gun Violence? What about the problem of Violence in General? To address something that is only 3% of the problem seems like a complete waste of time, money and other resources

Safeguard Mass Public Transportation
The Federal Government does not have any Mass Transit they will now control all transit?

Provide a Tax Cut for Working Families
And not fix the problem of taxation? If you give breaks to some and not to others, then a smaller and smaller group are paying for more and more of the tax burden

Strengthening Fatherhood and Families
And Motherhood doesn't need to be strengthened? Women are the #1 users of Meth

Support Parents with Young Children
Again, the Federal Government getting directly involved with YOUR family

Expand High-Quality Afterschool Opportunities
Why do we need this? Oh, yah...because the taxes are going to be so HIGH that Mom and Dad have to work just to make ends meet, so the kids will be raised by the Government program

Cap Outlandish Interest Rates on Payday Loans and Improve Disclosure
More regulation on an industry that could and will regulate itself (it isn't sustainable over time, especially in this economy)

Encourage Responsible Lending Institutions to Make Small Consumer Loans
Sure, force banks to make bad loans, this makes a lot of sense
In short, the government wants to Tax, Borrow and Spend YOUR MONEY to force you to get a Government Job at a Government Sponsored and Regulated Workplace, to live in Government Housing in a Government Designed, Operated, and Regulated Community, with Government Loans, and to send your kids to Government Sponsored Schools, unless they are troublemakers, in which case, they will go to Education Camps. The Government will control all aspects of their Education, so they will be prepared for their Government Jobs. They will control Law Enforcement and somehow control Recidivism and Violence. I can only imagine what that means.
They will control transportation, which means "papers please"...
And then the whole healthcare thing...

When did it become the Federal Government's job to provide for my life and wellbeing?

This is sounding more and more like the USSR, and is definitely fitting in the definition of Totalitarianism.
Does it sound like a place YOU want to live?

The Government of Billions

I have mentioned the following site before, but he is really amazing with how simple he puts the whole money issue,
However, he even stops short of showing you exactly what it is that you are doing when you let the Government throw numbers around like $900 billion, and $1 trillion.
These are numbers that have been used to show how much it will cost to do "bail outs" and "stimulus"...but what is that number?
Recently, with the advent of the Socialist Healthcare Reform, they have used $900 billion and $1.x trillion to tell us what it is going to cost...
Ten we get new news about a push for Broadband Service in the USA...since when is it the Government's responsibility to make sure I can surf the web, even if I cannot afford to put food on the table...???
This just doesn't make any sense. Especially with 3 of the worlds LARGEST telecom industries RIGHT HERE IN THE USA...
Isn't it THEIR responsibility to bilk us out of our money?
Obama Looks Down Under For Broadband Plan

Now then, lets take a closer look at what a TRILLION dollars looks like...
I borrowed this from something that had no attribution

We’ll start with a $100 dollar bill. Currently the largest U.S. denomination in general circulation. Most everyone has seen them, slightly fewer have owned them. Guaranteed to make friends wherever they go.
One Hundred Dollar Bill

A packet of one hundred $100 bills is less than 1/2" thick and contains $10,000. Fits in your pocket easily and is more than enough for a week or two of shamefully decadent fun.
Ten Thousand Dollars

Believe it or not, this next little pile is $1 million dollars (100 packets of $10,000). You could stuff that into a grocery bag and walk around with it.
One Million Dollars

While a measly $1 million looked a little unimpressive, $100 million is a little more respectable. It fits neatly on a standard pallet...and you would need a pickup truck to haul it around.
One Hundred Million Dollars

And $1 BILLION dollars... now we’re really getting somewhere...and you would need a semi to haul it.
One Billion Dollars

And for the Grand Finale, I give you $1 Trillion would fit in a very large Warehouse...(2 palets stacked at 4x4x4 each, or just over 8 feet tall and 16 square feet wide, times 1000, or about 80,000 square feet of warehouse space)
One Trillion Dollars

So, the next time you wonder where all your money has gone, just remember, YOU ELECTED HIM, YOU ELECTED THE CONGRESS, and YOU AREN'T DEMANDING "REAL CHANGE" ... you are just letting them spend, spend, spend, and spend some more...

In order to deal with the Democrat Spending Spree, and to save all the forests and trees everywhere, we should print the following money, it would keep spending high, but we could carry around the national debt in our pockets...
One Trillion Dollars

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.
– Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Opposing Views

Ok, I admit, some of these things seem more like conspiracy theories than actual fact, but it is interesting to see their point of view and see if there is anything to this...

First off, Global Warming or Climate Change?

Next, 9/11, unanswered questions?

Then, Constitutional Integrity, where is the Birth Certificate?

I am just more interested in opinions of others about these issues, I am not spouting or supporting these as "gospel truth", just that they have an opposing view, one that may or may not have merit.

I support Net Neutrality

I am sure you all have heard the term "Net Neutrality", it is
is a principle proposed for residential broadband networks and potentially for all networks. A neutral broadband network is one that is free of restrictions on content, sites, or platforms, on the kinds of equipment that may be attached, and on the modes of communication allowed, as well as one where communication is not unreasonably degraded by other communication streams.
I support it, because it is the way that companies ORIGINALLY DESIGNED the system, and the system can handle it. It is fair, it is reasonable, it is the way things started.
However, greed has taken its toll. Networks and Service Providers have found that they can gouge you for more money by limiting your access and charging you for kb or mb access rates.
Like we don't already worry about our finances.
It is good to see the Government finally standing behind something that "makes sense"...
"Preserving a Free and Open Internet: A Platform for Innovation, Opportunity, and Prosperity"
And I support FOSS for the same reason...
If you have a community behind the software, it will be stronger, faster, better, more secure...too bad Microsoft doesn't understand this.
Open Source for America: The New Government Accountability

Friday, October 23, 2009

Obama - right on track

With all his promises (broken), his "hope" (shattered), his plans (costly and ineffective), and the truth (bypassed), the American People are finally having their eyes opened.
Too bad they bought all the BS prior to the election...but some of us weren't fooled.

Barack Obama sees worst poll rating drop in 50 years
Gallup recorded an average daily approval rating of 53 per cent for Mr Obama for the third quarter of the year, a sharp drop from the 62 per cent he recorded from April.
And another source:
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 29% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -9.
You can see the trending here...
Obama's Trend

Oh, and just because I love to cause trouble:
Bush: Miss Me Yet
(Well, Mr. Former President, it seems that at least 53% of Americans just might miss you a little...)

Don't get me wrong, Bush was terrible as president, and his policies would have landed us in the same situation we are in right now...but Obama is doing everything wrong, he isn't being a Democrat because he is using Republican (President Bush's) Strategies... or do I have that wrong? Was it Bush that wasn't being Republican because he was using a Democrat Congress' Strategies? And by extension, that is why Obama is failing, because it was the Democrat Strategy that was failing all this time?
Now there is an interesting question...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Democrats of a Different Color

I have an opinion on the "sliding scale" of the Political Spectrum. It used to be that Republicans were on the Right, Democrats on the Left and Moderates in the Middle. However, that is no longer the case.
If you have a CONTINUUM with Left, Right and Center, you have something that looks like this:Political Continuum
Now, the extreme is (on the Left) Socialism and Totalitarianism, and (on the Right) Anarchy.
The scale has been sliding for years, to a point we more resemble this:Political Continuum
For instance, "back in the day" the Democrats would propose a Socialist idea and the Republicans would come up with their own idea to solve the problem. Today, however, the Democrats propose a Socialist idea, and the Republicans come up with a "we aren't as socialist as they are" proposal. Just look at the whole Healthcare debate...
The interesting part, however, is the shift LEFT. That leaves the Moderates on the RIGHT of both the Left and the Right...
I am a Moderate, what I call a Constitutionalist. Traditionally, I have sat in the middle of the opposing forces, trying to keep balance. But this last little while, the shift in the spectrum, has caused me to be on the Right of either party.
So when I saw that the Democrats had a push for something new, I thought I would take a look. This is what I found:
the Blue Dog Coalition
The Blue Dogs are dedicated to a core set of beliefs that transcend partisan politics, including a deep commitment to the financial stability and national security of the United States.
So refreshing to see some change...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Experts Against Microsoft

Before, we were told, by the Computer Security Experts, to GET AWAY FROM Internet Explorer:
Experts Say To Switch Browsers In Light of IE Vulnerability

Now we are being told to use Linux (not Microsoft Windows) to avoid Bank Fraud:
Washington Post Says Use Linux To Avoid Bank Fraud

Then, we have Microsoft trying to destroy the destroy the competition by installing vulnerabilities...maybe they thought no one would notice?
Microsoft Update Slips In a Firefox Extension
This happened at the beginning of the year, and this is the Expert's response:
Microsoft Update Quietly Installs Firefox Extension
Apparently, the .NET update automatically installs its own Firefox add-on that is difficult -- if not dangerous -- to remove, once installed.
And you might think that Microsoft learned from their first mistake, but here we are, at the end of the year, and we see it happen again:
Sneaky Microsoft Add-on Put Firefox Users At Risk
Firefox Disables Microsoft .NET Addon
the following addons have been known to cause stability or security issues with Firefox.

WAKE UP People!!!
What more do you need to make the switch from the MONOLITHIC MICROSOFT to a More Secure Platform?

If you need help making the switch, you know where to find me...I can help point you in the right direction.

(Oh, and as a side note, LINUX users don't have to worry about this:
Computer Virus Warning Could Actually Be Virus In Disguise
It seems that Symantec and other experts are advising extreme caution when using Windows, or switching to Linux to avoid these situations...)

If you know the history behind Microsoft, most of the founders (Bill Gates, etc) worked for Xerox and IBM. They essentially stole the technology that made DOS and WINDOWS possible...ok, so "stole" is a strong word, but they took what they had done, and what they had learned, left Xerox in the lurch and started their own company.
Over the years, IBM and Microsoft have worked together on the Desktop Market, just like Intel and Microsoft have done. But with all the problems, security issues and other bugs in the Microsoft experience, IBM has officially announced they have something "faster, better, and stronger" than Microsoft's Windows products...not it isn't the Bionic Man's is Ubuntu Linux...

To give Microsoft another smack in the eye, it seems that some government agencies have had their fill of all the BS. Los Angeles is using some of the money from an Anti-Trust settlement against Microsoft, to MOVE AWAY from Microsoft...
Los Angeles Goes Google Apps with Microsoft Cash

In Test, Windows 7 Vulnerable To 8 Out of 10 Viruses

Hmmm. So, the ads for Windows 7 being "more secure" and "safer" are what, LYING to us? Well, what do we expect form the worlds leader in half-assed software.
Here is the new headline for you:
"Linux Invulnerable to 10 out of 10 Viruses"
100% secure, 100% safe.

The arbitrary nature of Government Control

People are all hot to have the Government give some form of Healthcare. I have been warning of the dangers of this kind of a socialistic system, as have others.
No one seems to want to hear it...

Well, maybe you should read the news instead:
Social Security Makes It Official: No COLA In 2010

In other words, the Government can decide that they will increase, decrease, or discontinue service of their programs as they so desire.
In this case specifically, we are all under a financial crunch, food is more expensive, housing is ridiculous, and healthcare is astronomical ...
Yet the Government decides to NOT give a Cost Of Living Increase...this means that people are getting LESS this year than they got last year...

Yes, let the Government decide what is best for us, and we will make do with less every year, while they find new and more interesting ways to tax us and spend the money...on something else.

To make matters worse, it seems that the FBI can easily find its way around data collection restrictions, all they have to do is ask the State's DMV to do it for them.

And their new IAFIS database (Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System) will now contain DNA, 3-D Faces, Palm Prints, and Voice Prints.

So, if you have ever wondered if it was a bad idea to let the Government have control, well, now you know.

Our inaction, or our laziness has allowed the Government to take a small amount of control away from us. And once they have that little control, there is little, if any, regulation or oversight regarding that control.
In the Case of our Healthcare (or other social services), they can reduce benefits, reduce coverage, increase price (raise taxes) - all with impunity.
In the Case of our Freedoms, they can ignore their mandates, collect our data, track our movements, and tap our conversations...and there is nothing we can do about it.

Still think it is a good idea?

And the HITS keep coming...
So, we not only give the Government total control over our money (Federal Reserve, Interest Rates, etc) but now we find it necessary to let them control our information:
Emergency Government Control of the Internet?
He who controls the information has all the power.
Is this really the position we want to put the Government in? I mean, after all, they have proven just how responsible they are, haven't they?

We have heard it for years, "Social Security is going Bankrupt". But do we really understand what that means?
We pay into FICA for years and years, and we only take out at the end of our lives. Many people don't take the money out at all (death, etc) and not every penny is used...
This means that, at one time, there was a VERY LARGE amount of money in the Government Banks, gathering the Government's interest rate and backed by the Federal Reserve.
The Government couldn't leave it alone, so they decided it would be ok to borrow from it. This is when they decided it would be a good idea to use all the money for something else, and pay out only what they have to to keep people paid (or find ways to not pay them, and keep that money too).
This is the same game that MCI and ENRON played, and you see how the government reacted to THE CORPORATIONS... i.e. do as we say, not as we do. When the Government is above the law, there is no law.
It was this practice of borrowing that prompted legislation like the "lock box" legislation during the Bush administration, which amounted to a "feel good" legislation as it hasn't stopped the Government from taking that money for other uses.
So, we have a problem. There is no money in the Social Security bank, and soon, the "baby boomers" will outnumber the people paying into the fund, and the Government will cut services and reduce benefit. Watch, it will happen. Why? Because we saw fit to trust the Government with our money, and we already know that they don't know how to manage money (just look at the National Debt).
Would you trust your retirement to a Felon convicted of Securities Fraud? Then why would you trust your money to the Government?
To illustrate my point, here are the latest woes facing YOU because of YOUR Government's mismanagement of YOUR money...
Social Security and Medicare finances worsen
Flashforward to today...
Why are we willing to let these same fiscally irresponsible people handle our Medical (beyond Medicare and Medicaid (social Security programs))? Have we learned NOTHING from our Social Security experience?

Friday, October 09, 2009

April 1st comes early

I was minding my own business when I saw a news article "Barack Obama Wins the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize".
After I cleaned the Diet Dr. Pepper off my keyboard, monitor and desk, and waited for the pain from the carbonation in my sinuses to subside, I had to ask myself, "FOR WHAT?!?!"

After all, he has been in office for 10 months, and in that time, he has sent more troops into a war that isn't ours, he hasn't withdrawn our troops from Iraq, he has nearly started another cold war with Korea and Iran, and just look at the state of our is ANYTHING but peaceful around here...

the Nobel Peace Prize ... committee is honoring his intentions more than his achievements.
Um... Holy Hera! You can get a Nobel Peace Prize for your "INTENTIONS"?

Well, wait a minute... what is it that they say about "good intentions"?
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
[1855 H. G. Bohn Hand-Book of Proverbs 514]
Well, I guess we must be in Hell at the moment...excuse me while I get my travel papers...

There is another article that is looking at the reactions of people to this news:
Reaction: Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize
Where one of the individuals, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, said:
"The real question Americans are asking is, 'What has President Obama actually accomplished?' It is unfortunate that the president's star power has outshined tireless advocates who have made real achievements working towards peace and human rights. One thing is certain - President Obama won't be receiving any awards from Americans for job creation, fiscal responsibility, or backing up rhetoric with concrete action."
I'm not even a Republican, and I have to agree with this statement...

Then the DNC gets involved and calls all the Republicans "Terrorists"...
SOUNDS LIKE A WINNING PEACE STRATEGY TO ME! Don't like people's opinions, and the GOOD POINTS they have for why Obama shouldn't have won, or at least SHOULD have turned down the award...then call them Terrorists... yup, Nobel Material!

If you want to read what "normal" people are saying, look here:
Your Take » Will the Prize Lead to an Obama Backlash?
and over at

(This Excerpt is provided for informational, educational, and discussion purposes only. It is Copyright "BBC", for the full article search BBC's web site or Google with the title of this article)

The perils of pornography...

For the past several years the LDS Church (among others) has been warning people about the dangers of pornography. Experts have shown links between pornography and marital problems, infidelity, sex crimes, and in general, the moral decline of our society.

Like many "evils", this one cannot stay stagnate. I mean, you wouldn't think it is a problem for our young people to get addicted to pornography, and it isn't, not with the internet and all...but for a company to say...
...the idea is to attract readers in their 20s to a magazine where the average reader's age is 35.
Is, at best, just a cover for the real agenda.

This is what I have to say about the plan of Playboy to put a picture of Marge Simpson on the cover (and inside) their monthly magazine.
My son is 14 years old. One of his favorite cartoons/tv shows is "The Simpsons". Now, are they targeting 20 year olds, or 14 year olds?

I think the answer is obvious.

Marge Simpson on Playboy Cover

(This Excerpt is provided for informational, educational, and discussion purposes only. It is Copyright "The Associated Press", for the full article search The Associated Press' web site or Google with the title of this article)


There have been a lot of stories about the DMCA being used to harass people, bully people, and create what is essentially a Legal form of Censorship.

Boing-Boing, bless their collective souls, are showing one such company that there are those of us who won't be bullied.

First off, take a look at this advertisement:
Totally Fake!

Then think about what is wrong with the picture...

Would ANYONE really WANT to look like this? (YUCK!)
But Ralf Lauren thinks this is "good advertising"...

Anyway, when people criticize Mr. Ralf, he gets his panties in a knot, and starts here is what Boing-Boing had to say:
So, to Ralph Lauren, GreenbergTraurig, and PRL Holdings, Inc: sue and be damned. Copyright law doesn't give you the right to threaten your critics for pointing out the problems with your offerings.

Oh, and just in case you are wondering, this is what the model looks like in a "normal" RL ad:
Filippa Hamilton-Palmstierna

Filippa Hamilton-Palmstierna

And this is what she looks like in Real Life (without being touched up):
Filippa Hamilton-Palmstierna

The criticism that Ralph Lauren doesn't want you to see!

(These images are provided for informational, educational, and discussion purposes only. It is Copyright "Ralf Lauren", for the full information search Ralf Lauren's web site)

(This Excerpt is provided for informational, educational, and discussion purposes only. It is Copyright "Boing-Boing and Happy Mutants LLC", for the full article search Boing-Boing's web site or Google with the title of this article)

(not to mention that it is so hard to follow the DMCA that most people just DO NOT DO IT...this includes the people that make the stupid laws...
French President Violates His Own Copyright Law, Again)

Why Try Linux?

Why install LINUX on your computer?
With the recession hitting us all hard, and computers having become part of our daily life, we sometimes wonder how to get our daily fix of Internet and Email, without going hungry...
One thing we can do is Move To Linux...

#1 - Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Suse, etc - are Free, unlike Windows which can range in price from $84 (XP Home) to $189 (Vista Business). A Linux disk will only cost you ONE CD or DVD.

#2 - Linux comes PACKED with all the software you need.
OpenOffice (this is compatible with Microsoft Office and it contains all the same types of programs; a spreadsheet, word processor, presentation creator, etc.)
Games (there are more games for Linux users than Solitaire, Mine Sweeper, and Internet Hearts)
Productivity Software, Educational Software, Entertainment Software...all FREE...
#3 - Linux is EASY to use. If you can use Microsoft Windows, you can use Linux. Linux is compatible with MOST hardware (and more hardware configurations than more upgrading your computer hardware just to upgrade your computer's software), and it works on LOTS of OLD hardware. Why upgrade your whole machine at the cost of several HUNDRED dollars to run Vista or Windows 7 when you can continue running your hardware for several more years WITHOUT sacrificing speed or functionality?

#4 - The Linux user community can provide better trouble-shooting and support (FOR FREE) than you would ever get from Microsoft (for $29 an hour), unless you enjoy talking with some guy in Bangladesh who can't even speak English. There are even local communities like "Ogden Area Linux User Group" (OLAUG), "Salt Lake Linux User Group" (SLLUG), and etc. Come on out and see!

#5 - If you need special software, you don't have to be locked into a ONE vendor solution, there are MANY open-source alternatives to just about ANY software need that you need (or want)...many are FREE. Or, you can develop it yourself, or modify something "in house" and get specialized software that does exactly what you want, for the cost of a developer.

#6 - If you are tired of Malware, Spyware, Ad-Ware, Pop-Ups, Viruses, and all manner of annoyances on your computer, and you want a more secure method of holding onto your electronic data,


#7 - If you want a stable, useable computer, if you are tired of the "blue screen of death", if you really hate having to re-boot your machine every few days...

Then maybe it is time to think about changing your operating system to something that really works.

If you do install Linux, you will notice that some things are different. The only thing I can do is give you is a little advice:

#1 - DON'T PANIC. If it is good enough for the Hichhiker's Guide, it is good enough for me.
You have, by now, noticed that things are a little different...different is good! Poke around, play with it. You cannot hurt it. Just be aware, if it asks for a password, be sure you really want to do whatever it is that is asking for a password.

#2 - Use It. Open the different programs, get familiar with them. It is nearly IMPOSSIBLE for you to "damage" the system by doing something "wrong", so play around, take it out for a spin, have fun!

#3 - Get Involved. The Linux Community on the web is very large, and you might not even know how large it is around your community.
* Provo Linux Users Group (PLUG) -
* Utah Valley Linux Users Group (UVLUG) -
* Salt Lake Linux Users Group (SLLUG) -
* Ogden Area Linux User Group (OALUG) -
* Southern Utah Unix Users Group (SU3G) -
* USU Free Software and Linux Club (USU FSLC) -
* BYU Unix Users Group (BYU UUG) -
* Greater Utah BSD Users Group (GUBUG) -
* Ubuntu Utah -
#4 - These references are your support line for when you have questions. Or if you prefer LIVE support, you can use IRC (chat rooms on the web), you can link to the "Freenode" network ( and you will have access to many LINUX related "channels" where you can chat LIVE with people who are familiar with the system, and can provide help for you.

For those a little more technically inclined, who whould like to know how Linux is different (or the same) as Windows, here is a stab at the Linux File System compared to Windows
/ = Root of the OS. (like C:\)
/bin = Binary executables for the operating system itself. (like C:\Windows)
/boot = The kernel. (like C:\Windows)
/etc = Configuration files. (like C:\Windows)
/home = File spaces for individual users other than root. (like C:\Documents and Settings)
/proc = A special-purpose folder for some system processes
/sbin = Binaries that various system "users" execute.
/tmp = Temporary files. (like C:\temp)
/usr = Program files. (like C:\Windows)
/var = Variable-content files and folders.
swap = This is "virtual memory." (like the Windows swap "file")
Some of the other great things you can do with Linux:
Chat Program = Pigeon, similar to Trillian (all chat programs in one box)
Internet = Firefox, Opera, and others. You can even install Microsoft IE...
Graphics = Gimp gives you a ton of flexibility for playing with pictures
USB Compatibility = Most Cameras, Media Players, etc, work with Linux
Music and DVD = Linux has both Music and DVD players, burners and rippers
Games = Several of the Big Name companies make games for Linux, others are compatible via a helper program "CrossOver Linux" by CodeWeavers
Office = You have access to World Class software from Open Office: Writer, Spreadsheet, Presentations, etc.

LINUX is even great for the Windows Power User, the conversion is cheep and easy:
Desktop Linux For The Windows Power User
Google Desktop for Linux

There are several people who have gone "cold turkey" and left Windows behind in favor of Ubuntu Linux (or other flavors of linux), Keith Tokash is one such individual. He has a list of the Necessary and Desired programs that you need for Ubuntu (linux) to be happy, it is worth a read!

This is an article that describes what your PC (Windows Based) can become if you get "hacked" or a virus, or mall ware or spy ware or ad ware... Windows PCs are extremely susceptible to these types of programs, and you have to spend lots of money to fix the security holes, without any guarantee of a true fix.
The Scrap Value of a Hacked PC
Linux compartmentalizes the user experience, so your PC is protected by at least 2 passwords, and none of the programs are interconnected, so if one user profile gets infected, another one can be perfectly free from infection.

Here is another take on Linux:
Linux for housewives. XP for geeks.

And with Schools ALWAYS strapped for cash, they cannot afford new hardware, which Windows requires. Their solution is simple, save money on both ends:
Ubuntu breathes new life into school's abandoned hardware

Open Source and Microsoft Free
If this guy can move over to Linux, and survive, ANYONE can. The nice thing is, he gives a lot of good advice and tools for the transition.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Cash for Clunkers = FAIL

Ok, I said it a while back...
All the Cash for Clunkers did was give people who had money more money. Most people affected by the recession don't have the extra money to buy a new car, they are spending that money on FOOD or HEALTHCARE...or trying to make it between unemployment checks...

Those NOT affected by the recession (or not affected as much) still had enough money to go out and buy cars, so they got rewarded with an extra $4500...

Everyone complained about the Bush Stimulus programs and how they gave money back to the rich...well, um, Bush didn't come up with the "Cash For Clunkers" program...

In fact, the experts and the critics or the Cash for Clunkers program were correct, it was a Bad Idea...

Clunkers in Practice

Swine Flu or Swine Medical

We are seeing a LOT of information come in about the whole Swine Flue (H1N1) is interesting that so many are just taking the Government at their word. Sorry, but you must earn my trust, and the Government has done ANYTHING but earn my trust. There are several things that concern me about this Swine Flue thing...

#1 = Swine Flue, while not a very pleasant experience, is responsible for a fraction of the total deaths by Influenza every year. THOUSANDS of people die from Influenza, only a few hundred have died from Swine Flue...

#2 = If the discrepancy between the death rate is so great, WHY is H1N1 an "epidemic" and Influenza just a "seasonal thing"?

#3 = They originally told us that the vaccine would be much later, then it came early, they then said there would be shortages, now they have enough for everyone... With the "shortages" for the Influenza vaccine a few years ago, HOW is it POSSIBLE to have such a dramatic change for a previously unknown "epidemic"?

#4 = Ok, so maybe I am paranoid...but have you ever read Tom Clancy's "Rainbow Six"? If not, read it...
Or have you seen the movie "V for Vendetta"? If not, see it...

#5 = I really don't like the whole "Government involvement in my healthcare" thing...especially since the Government cannot run any program without major problems and issues, waste and fraud, and they have no reason to care about any one individual...especially with Big (Medical) Corporations feeding politicians money...

Now, I also must comment about something in this article:
Swine Flu Vaccine: When?, July 21, 2009
It says:
The U.S. government has spent $1.15 billion to buy enough vaccine to immunize the entire U.S. population against the new flu.
That works out to about $3.74 per person in the USA.
Another web site says:
The H1N1 vaccine itself is free because the government bought it with your tax dollars. But providers can charge a fee for administering it, usually about $20. Regular flu shots tend to cost up to $35.
Last year, when I stood in line to get my flu shot, it took 30 seconds, and we went through about 10 people in 7 or 8 minutes. That is about 90 people an hour...times that by $20 each, you get $1800 an hour... MAN DO I WANT THAT JOB...!!!
See, waste and fraud...still in the system!

Then we have to wonder about the other side effects, and possible other problems...
In one article, we read:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta has acknowledged that the swine flu vaccine has not been thoroughly tested on pregnant women and children.
Yet in another article:
Q: Who's first in line?
A: Pregnant women; the young, ages 6 months through 24 years; people younger than 64 who have conditions such as asthma or diabetes that increase the risk of complications from flu; health workers and caregivers of newborns.
And another question is raised about one of the ingredients of the Vaccine, Squalene.
Your immune system recognizes squalene as an oil molecule native to your body. It is found throughout your nervous system and brain. In fact, you can consume squalene in olive oil and not only will your immune system recognize it, you will also reap the benefits of its antioxidant properties.
The difference between “good” and “bad” squalene is the route by which it enters your body. Injection is an abnormal route of entry which incites your immune system to attack all the squalene in your body, not just the vaccine adjuvant.
Your immune system will attempt to destroy the molecule wherever it finds it, including in places where it occurs naturally, and where it is vital to the health of your nervous system.
Was this information given to people taking the vaccine? Shouldn't a potential health risk be revealed?

You might also find these videos interesting, as they go through the actual information of what H1N1 is and just how bad it is...
Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Blaylock On Vaccines

Swine Flu Vaccine: When?
(This Excerpt is provided for informational, educational, and discussion purposes only. It is Copyright "WebMD, LLC", for the full article search WebMD, LLC's web site or Google with the title of this article)

First swine flu vaccinations — but most must wait
(This Excerpt is provided for informational, educational, and discussion purposes only. It is Copyright "The Associated Press", for the full article search The Associated Press' web site or Google with the title of this article)

Swine flu shots stir concern among pregnant women
(This Excerpt is provided for informational, educational, and discussion purposes only. It is Copyright "The Buffalo News", for the full article search The Buffalo News' web site or Google with the title of this article)

Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccine’s Dirty Little Secret Exposed
(This Excerpt is provided for informational, educational, and discussion purposes only. It is Copyright ", Dr. Mercola", for the full article search's web site or Google with the title of this article)

Even after all the assurances, after spending all that money, after telling everyone everything will be ok...they are now saying that there will be a shortage of the H1N1 vaccine...
Gee, I never would have guessed the government would be less than truthful...
Nationwide Shortage In Supply of Swine Flu Vaccine

I have to revise this, now, there are LOTS of news articles about how only "those at risk" are getting the vaccine, and how there are now shortages.
One has to wonder, is it the MEDIA that is screwing up the information or is it the Government not being truthful. Either scenario is plausible.
Further articles are now saying that the "surplus" is now a "shortage":
H1N1 Vaccine Shortage in Utah?

Here are some more informative links for this topic:
Investigation: Swine Flu Numbers Inflated
Swine Flu Seizures
Swine Flu: The Risks and Efficacy of Vaccines

Vaccine Surplus
Of course there is a SURPLUS now... all the "rush" is over, the bulk of the people who will get H1N1 have gotten it, the rest is all down hill from here. The Government bought every American Citizen a dose of Vaccine, but now those that have had the virus will not need it, so, yes, there is a surplus of the vaccine, and a deficit in wasted money to pay for something all those people who had H1N1 won't need.
Talk about poor planning, waste and fraud...and we want to give them MORE health related responsibility?

The Folly of Real ID

Real ID is doomed to failure. Every reason they have given for adopting it is meaningless. The whole idea is spreading to other aspects of ID and security, like Passports, Credit Cards, and more...
This is more than just a little scary.

Criminals to 'adapt to ID cards'
By Jonathan Amos
BBC News science reporter, Dublin

ID cards promise a more secure form of technology
The UK government's proposed ID scheme will do little to stop identity theft and may actually exacerbate fraudulent behaviour in its early years.
That is the view of researcher Dr Emily Finch who interviews career criminals about their activities.
She has detailed how they adapt their strategies to get around new anti-crime technologies such as chip and pin.
Dr Finch will tell a Dublin conference that these criminals will be undaunted by the prospect of identity cards.
(This Excerpt is provided for informational, educational, and discussion purposes only. It is Copyright "BBC News", for the full article search CBBC News' web site or Google with the title of this article)

Especially when someone can build an effective RFID reader out of about $200 in parts from Radio Shack
Passport RFIDs cloned wholesale by $250 eBay auction spree

And There are other security concerns with RFID too...

Security? Information Safety? The experts are saying that these criminals are now able to "remote mug" people...take their identity, without touching them, and they have no idea they have been a victim of a crime, until the bills roll in...

This is what happens when you leave someone else in charge of YOUR protection...when YOU fail to take responsibility for yourself...

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Civility : a thing of the past

We, "The People", used to be civilized. I put it in the past tense, because I want you all to understand something...we are no longer Civilized.
The Princeton WordNet defines "civility" as, "formal or perfunctory politeness" or "politeness: the act of showing regard for others".
My reasoning?
If you have to ask the Government to make laws to enforce CIVIL behavior, then we are no longer Civilized.
It used to be that people acted with Respect, Honor, Integrity, Dignity, and Honesty. Now, we have to jockey for our position on the highway, we have to watch our belongings, we have to rely on the LAW to make people behave, to make people be civil...or punish them if they don't.
Whatever happened to self doing the right thing, just because it is the right thing to do?
The LDS have had to respond to behavior, ON THEIR PROPERTY, that shouldn't have happened. It isn't that it "just shouldn't have happened on private property" but it "shouldn't have happened at all *IN PUBLIC*"... Some public displays of affection are NOT civilized behavior. We expect animals to act "natural" in public, but people are supposed to be restrained, they are supposed to be civilized, or at least THOUGHTFUL enough of other people to not act certain ways IN PUBLIC.
Now, we look at the some people's response to the LDS. If people were CIVILIZED, they would respect the right of the land owners. If people had self control, if they exercised personal responsibility, they would act (in public) in a dignified manner. Instead, we have all kinds of people acting selfish, they trample the land owner's wishes and rights, and they show no respect for others in our society. Then they get upset when the landowner must change policy to MAKE PEOPLE *have*, or at least, *show* Respect.
This isn't "civilized" behavior! Being "forced to be civilized" is not the same as "being civilized".
We have gone backwards in our society. We don't take responsibility for our actions, we expect the LAW to force us to "obey" and then we can point fingers and blame the LAW for being too harsh, or being wrong, or trampling on our rights...
Only, it is our uncivilized behavior that has forced the LAW to work in that way...
We wouldn't need the LAW to FORCE us to do ANYTHING, if we exercised a little civility.
I would love to see us all go back to the days when people were Civilized. Where they acted appropriately in public, where they respected other people; days where being honest, having integrity, and showing courtesy was the NORM, not the EXCEPTION.
I would never act, on your front lawn or in your home like some people act on the LDS Church's property, or in PUBLIC...I have enough respect for you to "behave myself" to show a little restraint, to be Civilized...
I wish more people had that respect too. If more people were civilized, we might be able to reduce the complexity and invasiveness of the law...maybe crime would go down for once...maybe road rage and assault would become a thing of the past...
That only requires that we become "CIVILIZED"...

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Are you looking for a UNIQUE house?

Actually, I would be, if I could afford it...

But here are some interesting ideas, if you ever want to build a new home, or start a 5-Star "underground" hotel...

You can build a home like a Hobbit
I am actually going to price something like this out... with the savings on insulation and having a super cheep building material (cement and dirt) this might be the way to go...

You can build a 5-Star Underground Hotel
I have had this idea for a while...they have a Trident Missile Base with 3 missile shafts and several underground stories, all connected by tunnels...
It would be very interesting to build in rooms and a restaurant, maybe a swimming pool...all underground...preserving history, and doing something unique...
The Grounds would include a landing pad (maybe a small air strip...) and a golf course, and other amenities (tennis, swimming, horseback riding, etc)

Now, if I could just rummage up a few million to start the project...

Monday, October 05, 2009

Visual Representation of Ben Franklin's Quote

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
--Benjamin Franklin

This is often quoted as a stand against the "Nanny State" or "Big Brother"...but the problem is, you have to understand or believe that there is such a thing first...

But I found a nice representation, a cartoon, if you will...that shows what Benjamin was talking about...
Safety vs. Security

Something I think you should notice...
#1 - there is NO GATE in the fence, no way in and no way out
#2 - they are cutting it down, not just removing the side walls
#3 - the workers are "government", the occupants are "citizens"
#4 - the occupants are not trying to stop the government
#5 - the government is not asking permission of the occupants

Don't we keep farm animals in a similar situation? Or PRISONERS?

I know this article is about the Canadian Government, but in all reality, they are only being influenced by what we do here in America...
If their government is willing to lie to them about important issues, isn't our government going to be the one setting that example?

(This image is provided for informational, educational, and discussion purposes only. It is Copyright "The Christian Science Monitor", for the full information search The Christian Science Monitor's web site)

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Loosing Jobs

There are a couple things that are important to talk about when we start talking job loss numbers...

First off, everyone likes to blame this silly recession on Bush. I don't think so...
It has been pointed out, time and time again, that it is CONGRESS that spends the Money, and for 6 of the 8 years that Bush was in office, he had a Democrat Controlled Congress.
So, who's fault is this? Well, we could still blame Bush, or we could start to look at where the issues really stemmed from...

Next, if we start looking we find that there is LOTS of dis-information going around...some of this goes back as far as 2002, when the Democrat Congress took hold of our Country...
These numbers talk about how many jobs have been lost due to certain Bush policies...

Well, how about we stop listening to rumors, and look at what is really going on...
FIRST off, the Democrats have been in Control since 2002
SECOND, When we elected a Democrat, Obama, the unemployment rate, you know, the one thing Obama said would be fixed by his Stimulus scams, is at an all time high, 9.8%...

Is Despair Deflating Unemployment Numbers?

“Real Unemployment” at 16%? Color Me Skeptical

So now, what do you think? Is this something we have been lied to about, or do you think everything is "OK"?

Friday, October 02, 2009

Real ID --> Time to get REAL

The whole Idea of Real ID is disturbing. We already have a Driver's License, Passport, and Social Security Number...these are all ways to Identify us...
So why do we need "yet another" form of ID? It won't make our lives easier, it won't reduce complication...
So maybe these States have the right idea...I know they have both the right, power and authority, but I also believe they have the right idea...

6 states defy law requiring ID cards

Utah Opposes Real ID Act!


Thursday, October 01, 2009

Judicial Mismanagement

In any court case involving a Jury, it is up to the Jury to decide the fate of the accused, or in civil case, if someone is at fault and what their award for damages should be.
The Prosecution/Plaintiff/Defense/Defendant MUST make their case, they must argue and "school" the jury to understanding. If they fail to make their case, or help the Jury understand, they can loose, or the wrong people can win a case.

There should be no way that a Judge can vacate a ruling by a jury and use the excuse,
the jury 'lacked a grasp of the issues before it and reached a finding without a legally sufficient basis'

If the Jury "lacked" something, it was the fault of the actors in the court, and the Jury's standing should hold...if someone fails to do their job, it isn't for the Judge to change the ruling. He might be able to seek a retrial based on some legal aspect, but vacating a judgement because he doesn't think the Jury understood? What if the Jury understood and the Judge did not?
Hmmm, something smells fishy... if I were the defendants, I would ask for an investigation into this issue, into this judge.

$338M Patent Ruling Against Microsoft Overturned

Perfection vs. Reality

I don't normally read the Deseret News, but I saw an article that caught my attention, and when done reading that article, I saw a link to a blog, where the question is asked, "Are models on magazine covers a public health hazard?"
Having 2 daughters, one is 8 the other is 12, I have some concerns myself...
This also reminded me of a TV Show that my wife and I watch on Mondays, it is called "Castle".

In the First Season's Finale, there is a scene where they go over some of the issues of Modern Girls and their "Body Issues".
In the Scene, Rick Castle has taken his daughter to find a dress for Prom. His daughter, Alexa, a 15 year old High School student, is trying on (what appears to be "yet another dress") a dress and asks her father, "What do you think?", to which he replies, "It looks fine...". His daughters expression changes and she says "just fine?".
This is where it gets interesting, as Castle's mother comes in and tells Alexa, "Its Hideous!" and Alexa responds, "Thank you!" and turns to go try the dress her grandmother, Martha, had brought her to try.
Then Castle turns to his mom and says something to the effect of, "WHat are you trying to do, give her Body Issues!?" To which Martha responds, “Nothing you can say will change how we feel. What men don’t understand is: the right clothes, the right shoes, the right makeup… it hides the flaws we think we have. They make us look beautiful to ourselves… that’s what makes us look beautiful to others.”
Thoughtfully, Castle responds, "I remember it wasn't that long ago that all she needed to feel beautiful was a plastic tierra and a pink tutu." And Martha's final comment is, "And we spend the rest of our lives trying to feel that way again..."
Then Alexa emerges from the dressing room, wearing something my child will never wear, and everyone is happy.
(Much of the above is paraphrased, but done the best I could from memory...)

The point here is, women, girls especially, feel there is something wrong with their body. I don't understand it, really...but I do understand it has something to do with our society. It used to be that girls that were a little "heavy" (not talking obese here, just a "few extra pounds") were considered by many men to be VERY ATTRACTIVE. I am one such person. I don't think super models, or most any in show business, are really "attractive", I find many of them "repulsive" especially after they have all kinds of "body modification" like "breast augmentation"... or even photoshop re-touching... it just isn't "natural" and isn't attractive (to me).

So if our society is causing the problem, and the problem stems from our Fashion Magazines, TV Shows, Movies...etc...then maybe we should give some thought to including a warning about how some (not all) pictures are re-touched to show "perfection" instead of "reality"...

The War on Drugs "SUCCESS"?!?!

I have argued against the War on Drugs before, but I think this one will drive the point home, on how much of a SUCCESS the War on Drugs has been:

Drugs kill more than car crashes do in Utah

For decades, traffic accidents have been the biggest cause of injury-related death in the U.S., and they are still No. 1. But drug overdoses are pulling ahead in one state after another.

(This Excerpt is provided for informational, educational, and discussion purposes only. It is Copyright "Deseret News", for the full article search Deseret News's web site or Google with the title of this article)

A Free Republic or a Debt Enslaved Socialism

What is Sovereignty?
According to Wikipedia, Sovereighty is "the quality of having supreme, independent authority over a territory." This power resides in "The People" and in the "State" and is DELEGATED to the Federal Government. It is a PRE EXISTING right as recognized by the Bill of Rights, the Tenth Amendment, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
People are Sovereign, and when groups or collections of people get together to form Societies, they also create Governments. These Governments become, "Municipalities", "Counties", and "States". When the State is formed, it also becomes "Sovereign" to its borders. In a Federation, as in the United States of America, we gather the States together and create another Government, who's purpose it is to protect the States and Peoples as a whole, and be our representative to the World, establishing the Federation as a Sovereign Nation.
This is where our independence and freedom comes from.

What is Debt?
Debt is that which is owed. Our government has been spending money out of the National Debt. What ever happened to a "balanced budget?" We are operating at a loss. It has been explained in the following way, using SPENDING = Miles Per Hour... he goes on to explain how our reaction to this spending is different, depending on who is driving. But the end result is, the Debt Car is driving us into a hole, a hole that will have to be filled up eventually.
This debt is the result of an ever increasing spending and a failure to balance the budget. A balanced budget would have $X coming in --> and $X going out <--, however, we are BORROWING MONEY from the national debt, this means that it looks more like this, $X --> and $XXX <--. Wasn't there a Federal Law that required the Government to balance the budget?
Debt, as you know, must be paid back. Imagine you have a Credit Card and you run up the limit. How long can you NOT pay it back before the company that owns the card wants their money back?
In this case, the Debt is bought and sold to foreign countries. This means that China and other countries OWN our National Credit Card (National Debt). China has already demanded their Gold back from long before they demand their Gold back from us?

What is Debt Bondage?
Debt Bondage is an arrangement whereby a person is forced to pay off a loan with direct labor in place of currency, over an agreed or obscure period of time. When the debtor is then tricked or trapped into working for very little or no pay, or when the value of their work is significantly greater than the original sum of money borrowed, some consider the arrangement to be a form of unfree labour or debt slavery. It is similar to peonage, indenture or the truck system. (Wikipedia)
Essentially, we have become slaves to our debt. We are not free, not when someone can demand that we pay them back, in full...the Government has borrowed that money against YOUR labor, against MY labor, and against the labor of FUTURE GENERATIONS. We have sold our Freedom for 11 Trillion Dollars (and growing).

Why do I explain all this?
Well, I recently found an organization called the John Birch Society.
Yes, I know, some radical movement from the 70's...but they didn't start out that way, and their re-surfacing in the late 90's shows just how much they have changed. But I am not recruiting, and I am not even a member of the JBS, I just want to mention something that Mr. Welch, their founder, said back in the 1950's...

He seemed to think that there is some kind of group or organization who's goal is to undermine the Freedom of the United States, and he outlines several items that this organization is actively doing to "induce a surrender of our sovereignty":
1- Expanded government spending
As I mentioned above, the Government can only spend more if we borrow more...spending is at an all-time high! There is no control or check to prevent spending ourselves into a corner.

2- Higher taxes and even higher taxes
Taxes continue to go up, as the Government tells you, to pay for programs. Why raise taxes if you are just going to borrow money to pay for the programs in the first place? And, if you need to raise taxes AND increase spending, SOMETHING IS WRONG...

3- An increasingly unbalanced budget
I won't beat a dead horse...

4- Inflation and Devaluation of the Dollar
In a previous blog posting I mentioned how the 1970's were better for us financially than the 90's or even the 2000's. It would take $13 dollars today to equal every $1 dollar in the 1970's. Yet, my salary has only gone up $3 for that $1. But you don't have to take my word for it, look at how our buying power has changed. For every $1 Canadian, I could get $0.50 American, now, for every $1 Canadian, I can get nearly $1 American.

5- Control of prices
Government control and regulation, usually through anti-trust and anti-competitive legislations. Regulation and deregulation of various companies (Ma Bell, etc).

6- Socialistic control - increase in size of government
The Government is the Largest Employer in the United States

7- Elimination of state lines (Federal Government control)
The Federal Government is increasingly involved in State affairs, Federal Lands, Federal Highways, Education and other Social Programs (Obama Healthcare)

8- Advance of Government control of education
No Child Left Behind, 'nuff said. (Oh, and see these videos)

9- Indoctrination of horrors of war
CNN and other news agencies are really good at reminding us just how "evil" war is. Keeping Dead Lists of soldiers, embeding news media in the combat zones, etc. More now than ever before. And then, check out this video (see these videos)

10- Willingness of people to let it happen
When people like me, Glenn Beck, and others (like W. Cleon Skousen) speak out about these items, we are immediately branded as "Right Wing NUTS" or worse. No one seems to be willing to listen. They are all so comfortable to let their lives be run by the Government. A Government that is re-writing the meaning and intent of the Constitution, taking away our freedoms, selling our future and freedom for money, changing from a Free Republic to a Debt Enslaved Socialism. I have never seen so many people willing to let someone else be the boss.

Now, you can see how Mr. Welch's predictions, from the 1950's, have COME TRUE.

Then, Mr. Welch asks, "What is wrong with us minding our own business? Why don't we look after our own well being?"
And this question was asked long before Katrina and the problems with rebuilding our own cities, and the staging a major war and rebuilding of a foreign country...
How long do you think it will take to rebuild American Samoa?

So, what is wrong with us minding our own business and looking after our own?

Mr. Welch then outlines several things we SHOULD do to get things back under the Control of the people, not this Organization bent on our enslavement...
1- Restore independence of USA - get out of UN
There are several organizations on the web that point out WHY this would be a great idea...I can tell you 2 that I see... #1 we pay for MOST of the UN and NATO activities, #2 we supply MOST of the UN and NATO troops and equipment

2- Return to "hard currency" not "flat currency" - get rid of Federal Reserve and the National Debt
Ask yourself, what company is more successful and viable, the one with a HUGE DEBT or the one with a HUGE SURPLUS? Shouldn't we, to be successful, show a "profit" not a "debt"?

3- Reduce size of the Federal Government
If we reduced the Size of the Government and outsourced (used private sector contractors, i.e. privatization) to provide services, etc, we would better stimulate the economy, have better oversight, less waste and fraud, all at a savings over Government run Services. And we should reduce the Federal Government back to a more manageable size, let the State Governments worry about social services and programs, and re-focus the Federal Government to it's COnstitutional Mandate.

4- Withdraw all troops
Unless we have a mutual defence pact or some other type of treaty with a country, we should NOT be using our troops to engage their enemies. It is expensive in both dollars and human lives.

5- Get Government out of all functions in which it does not belong
The Constitution outlines what the Federal Government should be involved in, anything else is forbidden, and should be left to the State or Local Governments.

I don't know if I subscribe to the whole "some organization bent on our destruction" theory...the LDS (Mormons) call them "Secret Combinations" and "Gadiantion", while others call them the New World Order, or Illuminati, or something else...

But what I do know is, if we could learn from our mistakes, we might not be in this situation right now. We would have NO DEBT, we would not have any active wars, we would have a Government that responds to the needs of the Country, and a People who take Personal Responsibility seriously, we would have fewer taxes, better wages, more investments (be more prosperous), better educated, and more people would be living the "American Dream."
Instead, we have sloughed our responsibilities, let the Government grow unchecked (as well as the Debt it creates) and somehow we are all thinking "man, this is great!", When in all reality, we should be horrified.

No matter what they tell you, DEBT is NOT GOOD, DEBT is SLAVERY. If someone has control over you, your money, your labor (used to create money), then you are NOT FREE. We should actively pursue these 5 items Mr. Welch outlines, even if we don't believe in the JBS or their agenda, even if we think they are paranoid or crazy, These 5 items are COMMON SENSE.