Saturday, October 03, 2009

Loosing Jobs

There are a couple things that are important to talk about when we start talking job loss numbers...

First off, everyone likes to blame this silly recession on Bush. I don't think so...
It has been pointed out, time and time again, that it is CONGRESS that spends the Money, and for 6 of the 8 years that Bush was in office, he had a Democrat Controlled Congress.
So, who's fault is this? Well, we could still blame Bush, or we could start to look at where the issues really stemmed from...

Next, if we start looking we find that there is LOTS of dis-information going around...some of this goes back as far as 2002, when the Democrat Congress took hold of our Country...
These numbers talk about how many jobs have been lost due to certain Bush policies...

Well, how about we stop listening to rumors, and look at what is really going on...
FIRST off, the Democrats have been in Control since 2002
SECOND, When we elected a Democrat, Obama, the unemployment rate, you know, the one thing Obama said would be fixed by his Stimulus scams, is at an all time high, 9.8%...

Is Despair Deflating Unemployment Numbers?

“Real Unemployment” at 16%? Color Me Skeptical

So now, what do you think? Is this something we have been lied to about, or do you think everything is "OK"?

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