Thursday, October 01, 2009

Perfection vs. Reality

I don't normally read the Deseret News, but I saw an article that caught my attention, and when done reading that article, I saw a link to a blog, where the question is asked, "Are models on magazine covers a public health hazard?"
Having 2 daughters, one is 8 the other is 12, I have some concerns myself...
This also reminded me of a TV Show that my wife and I watch on Mondays, it is called "Castle".

In the First Season's Finale, there is a scene where they go over some of the issues of Modern Girls and their "Body Issues".
In the Scene, Rick Castle has taken his daughter to find a dress for Prom. His daughter, Alexa, a 15 year old High School student, is trying on (what appears to be "yet another dress") a dress and asks her father, "What do you think?", to which he replies, "It looks fine...". His daughters expression changes and she says "just fine?".
This is where it gets interesting, as Castle's mother comes in and tells Alexa, "Its Hideous!" and Alexa responds, "Thank you!" and turns to go try the dress her grandmother, Martha, had brought her to try.
Then Castle turns to his mom and says something to the effect of, "WHat are you trying to do, give her Body Issues!?" To which Martha responds, “Nothing you can say will change how we feel. What men don’t understand is: the right clothes, the right shoes, the right makeup… it hides the flaws we think we have. They make us look beautiful to ourselves… that’s what makes us look beautiful to others.”
Thoughtfully, Castle responds, "I remember it wasn't that long ago that all she needed to feel beautiful was a plastic tierra and a pink tutu." And Martha's final comment is, "And we spend the rest of our lives trying to feel that way again..."
Then Alexa emerges from the dressing room, wearing something my child will never wear, and everyone is happy.
(Much of the above is paraphrased, but done the best I could from memory...)

The point here is, women, girls especially, feel there is something wrong with their body. I don't understand it, really...but I do understand it has something to do with our society. It used to be that girls that were a little "heavy" (not talking obese here, just a "few extra pounds") were considered by many men to be VERY ATTRACTIVE. I am one such person. I don't think super models, or most any in show business, are really "attractive", I find many of them "repulsive" especially after they have all kinds of "body modification" like "breast augmentation"... or even photoshop re-touching... it just isn't "natural" and isn't attractive (to me).

So if our society is causing the problem, and the problem stems from our Fashion Magazines, TV Shows, Movies...etc...then maybe we should give some thought to including a warning about how some (not all) pictures are re-touched to show "perfection" instead of "reality"...

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