Monday, October 05, 2009

Visual Representation of Ben Franklin's Quote

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
--Benjamin Franklin

This is often quoted as a stand against the "Nanny State" or "Big Brother"...but the problem is, you have to understand or believe that there is such a thing first...

But I found a nice representation, a cartoon, if you will...that shows what Benjamin was talking about...
Safety vs. Security

Something I think you should notice...
#1 - there is NO GATE in the fence, no way in and no way out
#2 - they are cutting it down, not just removing the side walls
#3 - the workers are "government", the occupants are "citizens"
#4 - the occupants are not trying to stop the government
#5 - the government is not asking permission of the occupants

Don't we keep farm animals in a similar situation? Or PRISONERS?

I know this article is about the Canadian Government, but in all reality, they are only being influenced by what we do here in America...
If their government is willing to lie to them about important issues, isn't our government going to be the one setting that example?

(This image is provided for informational, educational, and discussion purposes only. It is Copyright "The Christian Science Monitor", for the full information search The Christian Science Monitor's web site)

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