Thursday, October 15, 2009

The arbitrary nature of Government Control

People are all hot to have the Government give some form of Healthcare. I have been warning of the dangers of this kind of a socialistic system, as have others.
No one seems to want to hear it...

Well, maybe you should read the news instead:
Social Security Makes It Official: No COLA In 2010

In other words, the Government can decide that they will increase, decrease, or discontinue service of their programs as they so desire.
In this case specifically, we are all under a financial crunch, food is more expensive, housing is ridiculous, and healthcare is astronomical ...
Yet the Government decides to NOT give a Cost Of Living Increase...this means that people are getting LESS this year than they got last year...

Yes, let the Government decide what is best for us, and we will make do with less every year, while they find new and more interesting ways to tax us and spend the money...on something else.

To make matters worse, it seems that the FBI can easily find its way around data collection restrictions, all they have to do is ask the State's DMV to do it for them.

And their new IAFIS database (Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System) will now contain DNA, 3-D Faces, Palm Prints, and Voice Prints.

So, if you have ever wondered if it was a bad idea to let the Government have control, well, now you know.

Our inaction, or our laziness has allowed the Government to take a small amount of control away from us. And once they have that little control, there is little, if any, regulation or oversight regarding that control.
In the Case of our Healthcare (or other social services), they can reduce benefits, reduce coverage, increase price (raise taxes) - all with impunity.
In the Case of our Freedoms, they can ignore their mandates, collect our data, track our movements, and tap our conversations...and there is nothing we can do about it.

Still think it is a good idea?

And the HITS keep coming...
So, we not only give the Government total control over our money (Federal Reserve, Interest Rates, etc) but now we find it necessary to let them control our information:
Emergency Government Control of the Internet?
He who controls the information has all the power.
Is this really the position we want to put the Government in? I mean, after all, they have proven just how responsible they are, haven't they?

We have heard it for years, "Social Security is going Bankrupt". But do we really understand what that means?
We pay into FICA for years and years, and we only take out at the end of our lives. Many people don't take the money out at all (death, etc) and not every penny is used...
This means that, at one time, there was a VERY LARGE amount of money in the Government Banks, gathering the Government's interest rate and backed by the Federal Reserve.
The Government couldn't leave it alone, so they decided it would be ok to borrow from it. This is when they decided it would be a good idea to use all the money for something else, and pay out only what they have to to keep people paid (or find ways to not pay them, and keep that money too).
This is the same game that MCI and ENRON played, and you see how the government reacted to THE CORPORATIONS... i.e. do as we say, not as we do. When the Government is above the law, there is no law.
It was this practice of borrowing that prompted legislation like the "lock box" legislation during the Bush administration, which amounted to a "feel good" legislation as it hasn't stopped the Government from taking that money for other uses.
So, we have a problem. There is no money in the Social Security bank, and soon, the "baby boomers" will outnumber the people paying into the fund, and the Government will cut services and reduce benefit. Watch, it will happen. Why? Because we saw fit to trust the Government with our money, and we already know that they don't know how to manage money (just look at the National Debt).
Would you trust your retirement to a Felon convicted of Securities Fraud? Then why would you trust your money to the Government?
To illustrate my point, here are the latest woes facing YOU because of YOUR Government's mismanagement of YOUR money...
Social Security and Medicare finances worsen
Flashforward to today...
Why are we willing to let these same fiscally irresponsible people handle our Medical (beyond Medicare and Medicaid (social Security programs))? Have we learned NOTHING from our Social Security experience?

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