Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Linux vs. Windows - Security Issues

Many times we see articles from Linux or Windows camps debating the total cost of ownership (TCO) of one system or the other...
I won't go into that debate, because I know there are many sides to that problem...

What I do want to say is this, when it comes to security and keeping you safe from the "bad guys" of the internet, Linux has Windows beat, hands down.

One of my favorite sites is "Secunia". They monitor problems in several thousand products...they are non-biased, and report the facts. This is fine with me, as I don't want someone's paid-for opinion, I want the truth...

If you look at Fedora Core (4) Linux (a product of Red Hat), you will see the following information...
42 Secunia Advisories
0 unpached vulnerabilities
Of the 42, 0% were "Extreme", 31% "High", 29% "Moderate", 33% "Low", and 7% "n/a"...

In contrast, if we look at Microsoft Windows XP Professional, you will see the following...
110 Secunia Advisories
23% of them UNPATCHED
1% partial fix
the rest are fixed.
Of the 110, 1% were "Extreme", 32% "High", 31% "Moderate", 26% "Low", and 10% "n/a"...

Based on this information alone, it is easy to see why Linux is the choice for security.
And to throw in at least one jab...
I wonder if it costs less to maintain a secure environment or an unsecure one?


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