Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Our Government

Not only do I love to rail on Microsoft, but our own Federal Government leaves themselves wide open to ridicule too, so I have to take and have some fun.

Officers Lose 243 Homeland Security Guns
Now, WTF? Really? And this isn't the TOP NEWS STORY across the country? The Government loves to say that gun shows are the source of illegal guns, and yet, it appears they are their own worst problem!

Gov't Proposes "National Climate Service" For the US
Oh Joy! I guess the IPCC cannot screw things up enough so we have to create our own agency to throw more money we don't have at, and see what kind of screwed-up science they can come up with. No, I really don't think they would support Al Gore!

A Warming Planet Can Mean More Snow
Yes, this might be true. But a Warming Planet cannot mean more COLD, and the past 3 or so years have been COLDER than the "Warming Trend" that might have been indicated by the previous data. This is why it is called "climate change" not "global warming".

FCC's Broadband Plan May Cost You Money
Why does it seem that every time the Government comes up with a plan, we end up paying for it? How much more till we have no money left? I don't get paid more, I get paid less because of the "cost of living" and "inflation", so every time they want more money for crap, how am I supposed to pay for it?

Obama Backs MPAA, RIAA, and ACTA
Oh great, all we need is someone that high up in the Government to make a defacto ruling that says we have no rights, only the 'X'AAs do.

Final Decision Deferred On ".xxx" Domains
I have mentioned this before, but this was my idea back in the mid '90s. It still looks like a "no-go" and I blame the Porn industry. If they get walled of in the .xxx TLD, they cannot infect new "customers".

ACLU Sues Over Legality of "Targeted Killing" By Drones
I wonder if the ACLU would prefer us to just kill everyone including the "target"? I think, being able to target the target and no one or nothing else is "good".

Nullification: Twenty-five States With Firearms Freedom Acts
The Federal Government has been overstepping its bounds for years. They dangle our own money in front of us and ask us to abide by the stupid regulations they heap upon us. I think the states are becoming wise to the illegal practice. Many are passing this kind of legislation to get out from under the Feds. We will call it "nullification" because it sounds so cool!

Dems play the terror card
The first thing to happen after Obama got elected was for all the people who didn't support him to change from "people with free will to support or to not support whomever they want" to "racists" and now, if you don't support their various, illegal, laws and legislation, you are a terrorist.

The left's next move: Salary caps
Now that they have taken over the Banking industry and the Auto industry and the Healthcare and Health Insurance industry, it is time to take over some aspects of EVERY industry!

Why does the Department of Education need Shotguns?
This is new! Maybe they will not only make it "not child left behind", but "no child left alive"?

Venezuela's Last Opposition TV Owner Arrested
With all the noise that the Left is making about Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, this might be a real possibility in the USA too. Regardless of the First Amendment.

Will Your Answers To the Census Stay Private?
If you think that the Government will abide by it's own laws, rules, and regulations, you have another thing coming. This is only ONE kind of story like this. The government will use anything they can against you if they think they can get away with it, using some half-witted excuse.

The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 Passes Senate Panel
I would suggest we all take the time to read this. Then get out your pen and paper and write some letters to your senators!

Google Gives the US Government Access To Gmail
Why would Google do this? I would suggest using the next sheet of paper you have and drafting them a letter, getting them to support your privacy.

US Justice Dept. Investigates IT Hiring Practices
It is about time. The fairness and equity that SHOULD be in the US when it comes to hiring people, just isn't there.

Feds Question Big Media's Piracy Claims
I love slashdot. They have no fear in reporting anything that might have something to do with the Tech Geeks of us out here in the real world.
While Obama might support the 'X'AAs, the Justice Department is looking into their Piracy Claims, like how downloading a $0.99 mp3 can cost the company $22,000.

Military Asserts Right To Respond To Cyber-attacks
This is interesting. How do they think to carry on a cyber-war? Busting down doors? Heading to China to stop the attacks?

Google Backs Yahoo In Privacy Fight With DoJ
So, in one breath Google is giving the Feds access to Gmail, but in another they are siding with Yahoo and others to protect our privacy. What's up with that, Google?!?

Economy Tanked While Government Surfed Porn
I don't think they even consider this economic problem to be a "problem"... just like they don't seem to worried about "Global Warming". How do they expect us to take them seriously?

Seattle Hacker Catches Cops Who Hid Arrest Tapes
Just when you thought the whole "transparency" thing would protect you and your rights, you read a story like this. Why would they hide the evidence? Oh, that's right, "they" are "cops".

US Sits On Supply of Rare, Tech-Crucial Minerals
One of our Government's flaws is akin to "earth first, we'll strip-mine the other planets later"...but it is more like "other countries first, we'll use up our resources later". We use other countries oil, at a serious cost to the US Consumer, we use up all the resources from other countries, maybe with the intent of "saving ours for later", but it costs us jobs and money. Ya gotta love our Government.

So, for now, that is all. I am sure it won't be long before our Government does something else I can make fun of...

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