Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A little on how bad censorship is getting...

ReWriting History:

The United States Constitution, while over 200 years old, was an inspired document. One that lays out the organization and faoundation of our Government and our Country. It is the current rulling document in our Great Nation, and should be an object of study for anyone and everyone.
Unless you are a Publishing Company with an agenda:
"This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today. Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work." (© Wilder Publications 2008)
Now, why would someone want to "warn" people about reading the Constitution?
Something is seriously wrong with that.
I believe we should read the Constitution and other founding documents. To that end, I would suggest this site, Constituting America.

Not only do we have to contend with people putting warning labels on even the very important documents of our society, but there are other peoples who want to edit and remove other parts of our "reality"...

Former UCLA basketball coach and Hall of Famer John Wooden carried a Seven-Point Creed given to him by his father, Joshua, upon his graduation from grammar school, these are the pints it contained:

Be true to yourself
Make each day your masterpiece
Help others
Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible
Make friendship a fine art
Build a shelter against a rainy day
Pray for guidance and give thanks for your blessings every day
This is how it was reported by ESPN.

However, the New York Times reported it thusly:

Be true to yourself
Make each day a masterpiece
Help others
Drink deeply from good books
Make friendship a fine art
Build a shelter against a rainy day
Now, you might say that the NYT just "edited it for space", but the article is 3 pages long! Not to mention, they don't use any editing marks, like ellipses or any other indication of them having changed the article...in other words, this smells like they are purposefully withholding information from the reader; i.e. being deceptive or being less than honest.
I'll leave that for you to ponder.

It doesn't just stop there. There is a text book in use in Virginia that has actually edited the Declaration of Independence:

"On Glenn Beck’s May 25 episode, he furiously discussed how history is being rewritten to be politically correct. He pointed to a Virginia State McDonald Publishing History textbook that discussed the Declaration of Independence and said, 'The declaration expanded these ideas that all men are created equal and they are endowed … with certain unalienable rights.' The words 'by their Creator' were removed and replaced by ellipses."
There is a common thread here, the things being removed are the ones with religious meaning! Why is it so important for the liberals to remove religion from our lives and from the history of our great nation?

If you are interested in learning more about this topic, you can take a look at this book:
Forged in Faith: How Faith Shaped the Birth of the Nation

And to top it all off, a Statue of Stalin has been erected as a "monument" at the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Virginia. Say What? Wait, didn't Stalin's killing machine slaughtered more people than Adolph Hitler and the Nazis did?

The "cherry on top" of my little rant here, is the building of a Muslim Mosque on Ground Zero in New York.
The detractors are calling it a "victory mosque", the symbol of the victory of our enemies. We fight terrorism over seas, yet we allow something like this to happen at home.
My last thought on this:
Here in America, we have religious freedom. Muslims are free to come here, to live, to work, and to worship. Most of them are great people. But if we wanted to go to their country and worship, it would be impossible, unless we are Muslim. They do not allow Christian Churches to be built (for the most part) and they do not recognize "religious freedom".
Shouldn't we be using this as leverage with the Muslim countries around the world? Ask for like treatment? A symbol of peace and cooperation? Why are all the positive aspects AND the negative implications being ignored by the mainstream media?

This is something akin to Censorship.

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