Thursday, October 01, 2009

A Free Republic or a Debt Enslaved Socialism

What is Sovereignty?
According to Wikipedia, Sovereighty is "the quality of having supreme, independent authority over a territory." This power resides in "The People" and in the "State" and is DELEGATED to the Federal Government. It is a PRE EXISTING right as recognized by the Bill of Rights, the Tenth Amendment, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
People are Sovereign, and when groups or collections of people get together to form Societies, they also create Governments. These Governments become, "Municipalities", "Counties", and "States". When the State is formed, it also becomes "Sovereign" to its borders. In a Federation, as in the United States of America, we gather the States together and create another Government, who's purpose it is to protect the States and Peoples as a whole, and be our representative to the World, establishing the Federation as a Sovereign Nation.
This is where our independence and freedom comes from.

What is Debt?
Debt is that which is owed. Our government has been spending money out of the National Debt. What ever happened to a "balanced budget?" We are operating at a loss. It has been explained in the following way, using SPENDING = Miles Per Hour... he goes on to explain how our reaction to this spending is different, depending on who is driving. But the end result is, the Debt Car is driving us into a hole, a hole that will have to be filled up eventually.
This debt is the result of an ever increasing spending and a failure to balance the budget. A balanced budget would have $X coming in --> and $X going out <--, however, we are BORROWING MONEY from the national debt, this means that it looks more like this, $X --> and $XXX <--. Wasn't there a Federal Law that required the Government to balance the budget?
Debt, as you know, must be paid back. Imagine you have a Credit Card and you run up the limit. How long can you NOT pay it back before the company that owns the card wants their money back?
In this case, the Debt is bought and sold to foreign countries. This means that China and other countries OWN our National Credit Card (National Debt). China has already demanded their Gold back from long before they demand their Gold back from us?

What is Debt Bondage?
Debt Bondage is an arrangement whereby a person is forced to pay off a loan with direct labor in place of currency, over an agreed or obscure period of time. When the debtor is then tricked or trapped into working for very little or no pay, or when the value of their work is significantly greater than the original sum of money borrowed, some consider the arrangement to be a form of unfree labour or debt slavery. It is similar to peonage, indenture or the truck system. (Wikipedia)
Essentially, we have become slaves to our debt. We are not free, not when someone can demand that we pay them back, in full...the Government has borrowed that money against YOUR labor, against MY labor, and against the labor of FUTURE GENERATIONS. We have sold our Freedom for 11 Trillion Dollars (and growing).

Why do I explain all this?
Well, I recently found an organization called the John Birch Society.
Yes, I know, some radical movement from the 70's...but they didn't start out that way, and their re-surfacing in the late 90's shows just how much they have changed. But I am not recruiting, and I am not even a member of the JBS, I just want to mention something that Mr. Welch, their founder, said back in the 1950's...

He seemed to think that there is some kind of group or organization who's goal is to undermine the Freedom of the United States, and he outlines several items that this organization is actively doing to "induce a surrender of our sovereignty":
1- Expanded government spending
As I mentioned above, the Government can only spend more if we borrow more...spending is at an all-time high! There is no control or check to prevent spending ourselves into a corner.

2- Higher taxes and even higher taxes
Taxes continue to go up, as the Government tells you, to pay for programs. Why raise taxes if you are just going to borrow money to pay for the programs in the first place? And, if you need to raise taxes AND increase spending, SOMETHING IS WRONG...

3- An increasingly unbalanced budget
I won't beat a dead horse...

4- Inflation and Devaluation of the Dollar
In a previous blog posting I mentioned how the 1970's were better for us financially than the 90's or even the 2000's. It would take $13 dollars today to equal every $1 dollar in the 1970's. Yet, my salary has only gone up $3 for that $1. But you don't have to take my word for it, look at how our buying power has changed. For every $1 Canadian, I could get $0.50 American, now, for every $1 Canadian, I can get nearly $1 American.

5- Control of prices
Government control and regulation, usually through anti-trust and anti-competitive legislations. Regulation and deregulation of various companies (Ma Bell, etc).

6- Socialistic control - increase in size of government
The Government is the Largest Employer in the United States

7- Elimination of state lines (Federal Government control)
The Federal Government is increasingly involved in State affairs, Federal Lands, Federal Highways, Education and other Social Programs (Obama Healthcare)

8- Advance of Government control of education
No Child Left Behind, 'nuff said. (Oh, and see these videos)

9- Indoctrination of horrors of war
CNN and other news agencies are really good at reminding us just how "evil" war is. Keeping Dead Lists of soldiers, embeding news media in the combat zones, etc. More now than ever before. And then, check out this video (see these videos)

10- Willingness of people to let it happen
When people like me, Glenn Beck, and others (like W. Cleon Skousen) speak out about these items, we are immediately branded as "Right Wing NUTS" or worse. No one seems to be willing to listen. They are all so comfortable to let their lives be run by the Government. A Government that is re-writing the meaning and intent of the Constitution, taking away our freedoms, selling our future and freedom for money, changing from a Free Republic to a Debt Enslaved Socialism. I have never seen so many people willing to let someone else be the boss.

Now, you can see how Mr. Welch's predictions, from the 1950's, have COME TRUE.

Then, Mr. Welch asks, "What is wrong with us minding our own business? Why don't we look after our own well being?"
And this question was asked long before Katrina and the problems with rebuilding our own cities, and the staging a major war and rebuilding of a foreign country...
How long do you think it will take to rebuild American Samoa?

So, what is wrong with us minding our own business and looking after our own?

Mr. Welch then outlines several things we SHOULD do to get things back under the Control of the people, not this Organization bent on our enslavement...
1- Restore independence of USA - get out of UN
There are several organizations on the web that point out WHY this would be a great idea...I can tell you 2 that I see... #1 we pay for MOST of the UN and NATO activities, #2 we supply MOST of the UN and NATO troops and equipment

2- Return to "hard currency" not "flat currency" - get rid of Federal Reserve and the National Debt
Ask yourself, what company is more successful and viable, the one with a HUGE DEBT or the one with a HUGE SURPLUS? Shouldn't we, to be successful, show a "profit" not a "debt"?

3- Reduce size of the Federal Government
If we reduced the Size of the Government and outsourced (used private sector contractors, i.e. privatization) to provide services, etc, we would better stimulate the economy, have better oversight, less waste and fraud, all at a savings over Government run Services. And we should reduce the Federal Government back to a more manageable size, let the State Governments worry about social services and programs, and re-focus the Federal Government to it's COnstitutional Mandate.

4- Withdraw all troops
Unless we have a mutual defence pact or some other type of treaty with a country, we should NOT be using our troops to engage their enemies. It is expensive in both dollars and human lives.

5- Get Government out of all functions in which it does not belong
The Constitution outlines what the Federal Government should be involved in, anything else is forbidden, and should be left to the State or Local Governments.

I don't know if I subscribe to the whole "some organization bent on our destruction" theory...the LDS (Mormons) call them "Secret Combinations" and "Gadiantion", while others call them the New World Order, or Illuminati, or something else...

But what I do know is, if we could learn from our mistakes, we might not be in this situation right now. We would have NO DEBT, we would not have any active wars, we would have a Government that responds to the needs of the Country, and a People who take Personal Responsibility seriously, we would have fewer taxes, better wages, more investments (be more prosperous), better educated, and more people would be living the "American Dream."
Instead, we have sloughed our responsibilities, let the Government grow unchecked (as well as the Debt it creates) and somehow we are all thinking "man, this is great!", When in all reality, we should be horrified.

No matter what they tell you, DEBT is NOT GOOD, DEBT is SLAVERY. If someone has control over you, your money, your labor (used to create money), then you are NOT FREE. We should actively pursue these 5 items Mr. Welch outlines, even if we don't believe in the JBS or their agenda, even if we think they are paranoid or crazy, These 5 items are COMMON SENSE.

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