Thursday, October 29, 2009

Welcome to the USSA

Russia finally won. We were warned that they would make us "communist" -- so, maybe not, but we definitely are moving to Socialism and Totalitarianism...

Totalitarianism: characterized by a government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control; of or relating to the principles of totalitarianism according to which the state regulates every realm of life

Now, lets go through "" in the Urban Policy department:

Create a White House Office on Urban Policy
The Federal Government is going to get involved on a LOCAL level, not just a State Level

Fully Fund the Community Development Block Grant
They are going to take FEDERAL Tax Dollars and Return it to the LOCAL Governments and Businesses
Why not just let the Local and State governments KEEP the money in the first place?

Support Regional Innovation Clusters
Again, a form of LOCAL Control exerted by the Federal Government, dealing with BUSINESSES

Support Job Creation
Government Jobs

Enhance Workforce Training
Government Training for Government Jobs

Increase Access to Capital for Underserved Businesses
Elimination of Free Market and Capitalism (if a business is failing due to bad policy or mismanagement, they will fund those companies; think Bail-Outs)

Create a National Network of Public-Private Business Incubators
More Government Sponsored Jobs

Convert our Manufacturing Centers into Clean Technology Leaders
Heavy Local Business Regulation by the Federal Government

Strengthen Core Infrastructure
Government Transportation System

Improve Access to Jobs
More with the Government and Controlling Jobs

Invest in a Skilled Clean Technologies Workforce
More Federal Dollars coming back through the system to Local Jobs

Lower Interest Payments by Creating a New Mortgage Interest Tax Credit
Federal controll of the housing and lending markets

Increase the Supply of Affordable Housing throughout Metropolitan Regions
Federal controll of the housing markets at the Local Level

Establish 'Promise Neighborhoods' for Areas of Concentrated Poverty

Seperation of the Poor into Government Sponsored "gettoes"

Increase the Minimum Wage
Further Government control over the Local Business

Expand the Earned Income Tax Credit
Making you feel like you aren't being raped when they steal your hard earned cash (or the bread off your table)

Help Low-Income Workers Enter the Job Market
Government sponsored Workforce

Build More Livable and Sustainable Communities
Federal Government directly involved in the building of Local Communities and heavy regulations on and within those communities

Use Innovative Measures to Dramatically Improve Efficiency of Buildings
More Federal Regulations on Local Businesses

Foster Healthy Communities
Federal control over Every Aspect of a Local Community

Support Teachers in Urban Schools
Federal Government involved directly in Local Education

Expand Early Childhood Education
More Government control, they have to make sure they have people Government Trained for their Government Jobs, while they Live in their Government Housing

Reduce the High School Dropout Rate
Sure, and just how is the Federal Government going to do that? Arrest and confine kids until school is over?

Support Local Law Enforcement
Great, now we will have Para-Military Cops, not just regular Cops

Reduce Crime Recidivism by Providing Ex-Offender Supports
The current explanation as to why this isn't done is "it is too expensive", so we live with an 80% recividism rate; so just how does the Federal Government think it will pay for these programs?

End the Dangerous Cycle of Youth Violence
Federal Government directly involved in YOUR family and raising YOUR kids...wait, aren't they YOUR responsibility?

Address Gun Violence in Cities
Only Gun Violence? What about the problem of Violence in General? To address something that is only 3% of the problem seems like a complete waste of time, money and other resources

Safeguard Mass Public Transportation
The Federal Government does not have any Mass Transit they will now control all transit?

Provide a Tax Cut for Working Families
And not fix the problem of taxation? If you give breaks to some and not to others, then a smaller and smaller group are paying for more and more of the tax burden

Strengthening Fatherhood and Families
And Motherhood doesn't need to be strengthened? Women are the #1 users of Meth

Support Parents with Young Children
Again, the Federal Government getting directly involved with YOUR family

Expand High-Quality Afterschool Opportunities
Why do we need this? Oh, yah...because the taxes are going to be so HIGH that Mom and Dad have to work just to make ends meet, so the kids will be raised by the Government program

Cap Outlandish Interest Rates on Payday Loans and Improve Disclosure
More regulation on an industry that could and will regulate itself (it isn't sustainable over time, especially in this economy)

Encourage Responsible Lending Institutions to Make Small Consumer Loans
Sure, force banks to make bad loans, this makes a lot of sense
In short, the government wants to Tax, Borrow and Spend YOUR MONEY to force you to get a Government Job at a Government Sponsored and Regulated Workplace, to live in Government Housing in a Government Designed, Operated, and Regulated Community, with Government Loans, and to send your kids to Government Sponsored Schools, unless they are troublemakers, in which case, they will go to Education Camps. The Government will control all aspects of their Education, so they will be prepared for their Government Jobs. They will control Law Enforcement and somehow control Recidivism and Violence. I can only imagine what that means.
They will control transportation, which means "papers please"...
And then the whole healthcare thing...

When did it become the Federal Government's job to provide for my life and wellbeing?

This is sounding more and more like the USSR, and is definitely fitting in the definition of Totalitarianism.
Does it sound like a place YOU want to live?

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