Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Conspiracy? Or Master Plan...?

Many people like to delve into Conspiracies; I don't...too many of them seem like the same hokus pokus that the Greeks came up with to explain things like Thunder, Lightning, Earthquakes, Floods, and other natural disasters...There are some things that I might not be able to explain, but that doesn't mean that Zeus is responsible...
I also don't believe in coincidences.
Also, I am LDS and being LDS, maybe I read a little too much into the whole Gadianton thing...what with secret combinations and all...it isn't like we don't see them today or anything...
The following is a work in progress...but I thought it was worth trying to get an opinion or two on it...

The following are some thoughts that I really would like to share and hear some comments on, They are interesting observations, and I would like to see if my point of view is valid or if I have missed something or if I have been just a little too eager to see something that isn't there...

How would you take over a government?, or maybe I should phrase it more accurately, How would you take control of a government?
Think about it from a "puppet master" point of view. Everything we see, we are supposed to see - it is what is happening behind the scenes that scares me.
After all, it would be foolish to attack the government straight on, roll tanks up to the capital building, let the entire world know that the US Government has fallen into the control of "someone else". There are too many people that are still loyal to the idea of "America" and too many countries that are still reliant on us for our money to allow another power to take over (other than the one we believe we elect into office). So it would have to be done another way, while keeping up the appearance that we still have something to do with controlling our government.

9/11, I think, should have been a wake-up call to us. For some, it was, for others, it was another "conspiracy" to expose, and still others bought the party line. I am still unsure about the whole origins of the attacks on the World Trade Center (both attacks) and the Oklahoma Federal Building. There is just too much that doesn't seem to add up, and still too many questions unanswered.
I don't think it was a conspiracy from within the government...but I don't know for sure. If it was, it would mean that high ranking (presidential level, etc) politicians from both the Democrat and Republican parties had been planning 9/11 from about the same time Kennedy was assassinated. With the Internet and related "free" information sources, and the accompanying "leaks", I doubt any organization could have kept something like that quiet for so long. So I still have questions on the whole thing...
I do believe, however, that the organization or the individuals "behind" the government used these events to their full advantage. The government's reaction to these events is what I find most intriguing, and those events are what scare me.

After the first WTC Attack, during the Clinton administration, the Omnibus Crime Control Act was passed. This looks very similar to the Patriot Act, so similar it has been called the "baby patriot act" and even more people believe it was the "first draft" of the patriot act, something to test the waters. It was also Clinton that started the erosion of the Posse Comitatus Act (which limits the use of Federal Troops on American soil), and Bush finished it off with another executive order. Both presidents past more executive orders for more various and sundry items than any other president ever. Executive orders are just a way to circumvent the established process of law, and when abused can give the executive branch too much power. We are all familiar with the Patriot Act's passage...which was forced down our throats right after 9/11. Has anyone wondered how they managed to have that much legislation READY TO GO so quickly after 9/11? It must have been ready to be introduced PRIOR to the WTC attack. It has been modified a few times, to correct some of the glaring violations of our rights, but it still controls way too much and gives to much power and authority to the Federal and State governments and their law enforcement agencies. This kind of legislation could NEVER have been passed if 9/11 hadn't happened, too many people would have complained about it and its violations. This is why the Omnibus Crime Control Act passed, it was a very mild version of the Patriot Act, and again, it was passed in response to the first WTC attack.

This gives a little background of the laws and "power and authority" issues that we have faced during the past several administrations. The over-all policy in this regard has been "unanimous" or "bi-partisan" between the Democrats (Clinton) and the Republicans (Bush)...interesting that the same kinds of policy, the very same types of legislation (Omnibus Crime Control Act and the Patriot Act) can be brought to the table by two different (and supposedly opposite) forces.

Our country is currently facing a financial crisis which could ruin our quality of life. Money might not buy happiness, but it does make the world go around. During the Clinton administration a "false economy" was built up in technology. We now call it the "bubble". That bubble burst right after Bush came into office. Naturally, everyone blamed Bush...but it really doesn't matter. Believe it or not, a lot of the pain we are feeling in the financial sector right now, is a direct result of a lot of the other financial hocus pocus during the Clinton administration. The changes that were made to the mortgage lending laws, changes in the financial rules and regulations, many of the changes to the investment markets, the unchecked ability to build up a false economy, and the underhanded accounting practices of major corporations; these all add up to disaster...
Not to mention that American corporations (especially their CEOs) have a pay scale that is 12 times higher than that of their European counterparts. It gets even worse when you consider that the financial crunch is exacerbated by the energy crunch...oil and gasoline prices being at record highs. The costs of every good and service going up astronomically to cover the added fuel costs. Companies going out of business and people being left unemployed.
Everything ads up. When you talk financial markets and money, you cannot separate it all out. Unemployment causes foreclosure, foreclosure causes a surplus in un-purchased homes, banks have property they cannot liquidate, interest rates go down, banks close, financial crisis.

I am sure that most are aware that we wouldn't really have to ever fight a war if we were a little more smart about how we do things. If we stopped giving "foreign aid" to other countries (these foreign aid packages are actually loans: loans that are never paid back by the countries we give the money to). If we took the time to use American resources to manufacture American goods. If we built up a solid economy on Research and Development of new technologies...we could become the world leader in new technology. If we would build up our economy by INVESTING in other countries, just like individuals when they invest in new technologies, or in markets...if we would bring our jobs back to American soil, if we would enact TRULY fair trade (we sell and purchase about the same dollar amount of goods from other countries), we could have a very strong dollar.
A strong dollar is leverage, leverage we can use to get what we want. We wouldn't need to send troops, we could send aid packages (these packages could include food or money)...if they aren't "playing ball" we withhold the aid packages...and I am not talking a loan that would never be paid, but a purchase of goods are more than market price, or as a way to get military strongholds in certain territories, or some other concession...nothing is "free" and anything is better than NOT getting repayment on the loans we give.
No one dies when you use $money as ammo, and the financial markets as troops.
We also need to stop the farm subsidies. I understand it is to control a "run-away" market (farmers cannot make a living if the price of grain is too low) but we can use the excess grain (etc.) to help fund alternative fuel sources, or as good-will for starving people in OUR own country (and other countries as needed - part of the foreign aid)...

Instead of making money on what is happening around the world, we are spending money faster than ever in the history of this country. The dollar has fallen, the financial markets are over stretched, and the government is looking at a $700 BILLION bail-out package. What does the government get for the $700 billion? They get part ownership or a majority stake in the financial companies they bail out. They gain control of the financial standing (more than just the Federal Reserve and interest rate settings) of our country. It would no longer be in the hands of the private sector.
If so much good and bad can be done with money, if money can control the rise and fall of nations, if the ebb and flow of life can be controlled by the almighty dollar, we have now given that control to the Federal government.

Social services come in all shapes and sizes. from Federal highways, freeways, roads, and federally controlled and regulated "state" lands, to food stamps and medical care. These are all controlled by the various Local, State and Federal governments. Once the Federal government gets involved, the states loose their freedom to act independently. Ask Montana. Montana moved their Freeway speeds to "reasonable and prudent" which generally meant "anything under 100 mph was acceptable for most vehicles. The Federal government told them to re-enact a standard 75 mph limit, or they would loose federal funding. Wouldn't they call this extortion if a private individual or company tried something similar?
The ever increasing control of how the states run their social services (no child left behind) and the increasing reliance on federal funding put us at the mercy of the Federal government.
Back in the time of Joseph Smith, education was provided by the community. The people with children in school paid for the teacher and the supplies needed. Going to school was a privilege...Today, children MUST get education or they or their parents could face criminal charges. "No child left behind" is just ensuring that all children march to the slowest drummer, so they are all being left behind.
Other social services were handled by the Churches. Not just the LDS Church, but all other churches too. They had their requirements, and their expectations for how you received help; how much for how long, but it was wasn't controlled by the Government, and it wasn't a "free ride".
While it would be nice to be able to provide for everyone, we aren't a socialist country. Our whole philosophy is free market/capitalism. You didn't just receive something for nothing.

Illegal immigrants coming into this country are taking jobs and money. The money they get is usually paid without being taxed, and then the bulk of it is shipped out of the country back to Mexico (or another country). By not taking this seriously, or by trying to find a way to excuse or enable this illegal immigration, we are starting a path to bankruptcy. We give free medical care to illegal immigrants, but not to our own "working poor". We give free education to illegal immigrants, but not to our poor. We have all kinds of housing subsidies, grants, and other moneys that can be provided to illegal immigrants, but not to United States Citizens, if they are "working poor", homeless, or otherwise bad off.

The government also needs to be held accountable. They are paid higher salaries than the average American. They have tons of "perks" like a special retirement plan, NOT social security. They take money from special interest groups and lobbyists. They get kick-backs for pork programs. They aren't accountable to the people for their actions. If they were, the Clintons would have been prosecuted and jailed for their role in the S&L and housing scams. And what happened to all our social security money any way? Why aren't we holding the government accountable? We hold Enron accountable...we bail out AIG and Mac/Fae...(or try to) all because they mismanaged money...why isn't the government being held to the same standard?

Earlier, I stated that I do not believe in coincidence. I really don't. What I see is a trail; the Clinton era "set-up" and the Bush era "spending spree". What I see are two events that created the situation where the Federal Government could take control of the financial markets, and our privacy and personal freedoms.
As the Omnibus Crime Control Act lead to the Patriot Act (which has eroded our rights and freedoms), the poor financial planning, management, and policy have lead to the take-over of our financial institutions (money is power), and the increasing reliance on social services because of the widening gab between the "rich" and the "poor", all point to something that really disturbs me.

So, if someone or some organization really wanted to take over the government, they would only have to do a few things:
Most of the individuals in the high government are rich. This makes us a "Plutocracy" not a "Democracy" (Representative Republic, actually). Supplying money to these individuals ensures their loyalty. Money is power.
Control rights and freedoms in an ambiguous way, so the law can be taken, twisted, and misinterpreted to the benefit of those in power. Once the rights are taken away from the people, there is no freedom. When rights are "controlled" they are no longer rights, but privileges. Privileges are granted by those in power.
Control the money. The ability to give money or take it away to obtain a desired behavior, creates financial oppression. We become a country of "rich" and "poor", and as a plutocracy, the Rich become the "ruling class" over everyone else.
Increase the reliance on federal (and state) social services (mortgage bail-outs, unemployment, disability, etc) gives the Government control on where you live, what you can buy, and how much you can do.

This is happening as I write. The process in the Congress is again being circumvented. The House drafts and then defeats the "bail-out" so the Senate is now doing it on their own. Why not skip all the show, and just enact an executive order to bail-out the companies?

Every problem is a situation waiting for a solution. So, to that end, here are some things that I believe would improve the situation - solutions:

We need to work with all countries that have and are receiving any form of foreign aid to work out a repayment program. Grain, oil, iron, or other products, commodities, services, etc. If we get involved in other countries' wars, they should pay for our services. Iraq, for instance, could pay for 2/3rds of the cost of the war (right now) in OIL. They could repay the other 1/3 later, after the war, or in other "goods or services".
We need to work to better understand the Constitution. People need to know how legislation like the Patriot Act affects their freedoms. The courts need to hear more cases and rule on more constitutional issues. We need clarification, support, and enforcement of the basic principals of the constitution. Not only that, but the constitution lays out the blueprint for the Federal Government's role in the American union of the states. Part of education should be constitutional and governmental classes (just like the "Boy's and Girl's State" programs).
Education should be paid by the people using the service. This would ensure a better education for our children (if you pay for it out of your pocket, not in taxes, you will make sure your child gets the full benefit).
We need to apply the law to individuals and organizations. If you do business outside of the USA, and you import your goods, then you pay the same taxes and tariffs that everyone else pays. Trade agreements should be equal. We should export and import about the same amount of stuff, and all imports must be held to the minimum standard of any product manufactured in the US. This would effectively end our trade with China, as they import about 1/100th from us as we import from them. And it would be an incentive for companies to come back to the USA with their manufacturing.
We should reduce reliance on social services. Let the churches take back control of things like food stamps, unemployment, and other "temporary" services. Let them set the rules and regulations governing "how much" and for "how long" people can receive help. Let the people invest their money instead of a mandated "social security" (which doesn't get used for what it was intended, anyway), my 401K has a higher return rate than social security...
Let education be provided by those using the service. Let the states collect and regulate their taxes for roads, etc. The Federal Government's revenue should come from tariffs and the State's revenue from taxes (sales tax). When the people have more money (pay no income taxes) they buy more goods (with a sales tax system, this means that more taxes are being paid and not just by individuals, but at the same rate by businesses).
Limit the power and authority of the Governments to what is outlined in the Constitution (state and federal) and let the people hold the politicians accountable. Treat politicians as public servants, not aristocracy. Because most of them are "rich" they don't have need of a $100,000 a year salary with all the "perks". As public servants, they should get a small stipend for their service. They should have their food, health care, housing, and transportation paid WHILE THEY ARE WORKING. We should also enact term limits for all elected government positions.
Illegal immigration should be stopped. People that are in this country illegally should not receive any free rides. They should pay taxes. If someone is hiring illegal immigrants and not paying the taxes on the money, they go to jail, have their assets seized and sold at auction. Illegal immigrants, when found, should be immediately deported. No special services offered to them that aren't also offered to our poor, and I would say, if they are here illegally, then NO services provided (a hospital would be required to render aid, and then report the illegal immigrant, who would then be deported).
People need to take a more active role in their government, the government needs to take a less active role in the people.
Bring the US companies back to the US. Or make them pay tariffs just like everyone else, and "foreign taxes" lust like everyone else. Made In America should be the normal, not Made in China...

I know I ask a lot, but with the way things are going, I fear for the future of my children. Is it too much to ask that people educate themselves about their government, their constitutions(s), and their politics? Is it too much to ask that people get involved in the process and help regulate their government? After all, it is supposed to be a government Of the People, By the People, and For the People...shouldn't we treat it as such? Shouldn't we be more "self reliant", and exercise "personal responsibility"?


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