Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gotta Love Obama - Right on Target

I pulled this information from another blog,
I may not believe these things completely, but there is a ring of truth to some of them...

I thought it might be interesting to discuss these...

Here are Obama's Priorities:
1- a plan to place a 75% excise tax on the sale of firearms
2- legislation that would overturn concealed carry handgun laws in 40 states
3- legislation that would overturn abortion restrictions, such as parental notification, gender 4- selection abortions and requiring doctors to have local hospital certificates when performing abortions
5- legislation that currently prevents non-government organizations, which receive federal funding, from providing abortions in other nations, such as China where coercive abortions are performed based on the gender of the fetus
6- a tax plan that would raise the top tax rate on individuals to 56% when social security taxes are included
7- a tax plan that would increase the percentage of people who pay no taxes from 32% to 44%
8- bill to outlaw workers' rights to a secret ballot in union elections
9- cut defense spending by 25%
10- redistribution of wealth, taxing wealthier Americans in order to give money back to low-income Americans
11- the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to bear arms, it also permits common-sense gun control, like gun registration, licensing and local gun bans
12- signing the Freedom of Choice Act one of his very first acts in office. The Freedom of Choice Act would nullify every legal limit on abortion, federal, state or otherwise
13- a law that takes away your right to use a firearm in the defense of your home
14- a law to make a gun owner or manufacturer guilty of a criminal offense if their gun is lost or stolen and used in the commission of a crime
15- legislation that would have banned almost all ammunition used for deer hunting
16- a ban on all semi-automatic firearms
17- a proposal that would have banned single shot and double barreled shotguns
18- government should be allowed to censor radio programs
19- In the model for the new renovations, they have taken out "In God We Trust."

I am currently pulling my hair out...

another site that looks interesting...

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