Sunday, September 20, 2009

Democrats Running Scared

I have noted, before, how I am a Constitutionalist, and that still holds true...but it sure is fun to watch the Democrats running scared...

Mitt Romney, I guess, has said some things that really ruffled the Democrats:

"The president sold [the stimulus act] as an immediate boost that would hold unemployment below 8 percent, restore the economy and create jobs,"

This is true, and is on record, and in my blog...

"Rather than bring back the economy, it brought back 30 years of failed liberal programs."

Also a true statement. We are now seeing that every social welfare program is fraught with waste and fraud, and nearly impossible to use because of ridiculous regulation.

Since the stimulus passed in February, millions more people have lost their jobs and unemployment is now teetering at 10 percent, Romney said. "Not one new job has been created," he declared.

Also a true statement, just look at the numbers out on the web...everyone from the local chamber of commerce to all employment related federal agencies are reporting these numbers...

The Democratic National Committee noted Romney was misrepresenting facts as he attempted to throw mud at the president.

Only, the DNC (while they NOTED somethig) hasn't published a SINGLE REBUTTAL to anything that Romney, maybe it is because the numbers are in Romney's favor?

Instead, the DNC says:
"If Mitt Romney thinks pandering to the far right is a winning strategy, that's his choice," said DNC national press secretary Hari Sevugan. "Of course it didn't work out so well for him last time. Maybe that's because, given how often he changes his position on issues, he has no credibility with the right. And given how often he's misrepresenting the truth, he doesn't have much credibility with anyone else either."

In hopes of discrediting him, they call him a "liar"...
Um, didn't Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) try that once...yes, these guys are using more tact...but still...instead of dealing with the issues Romney places out there, they say "He Lies!"...

Now, they say, and they will try to use against Romney, that he passed a "socialist reform of healthcare in Mass."
Um, well, yes, that is true...HOWEVER, I have said it and other will point it out, IT IS DIFFERENT TO DO THESE TYPES OF PROGRAMS ON THE STATE LEVEL THAN ON THE FEDERAL LEVEL...
There is no support for such programs in the Constitution, and one could argue that the Federal Government taking up these responsibilities is a violation of State's Rights...but to create these programs at the State level is 100% OK. And it is a different point of discussion.

So, my Non-Constitutionalist Democrat Friends, PLEASE show me where Romney's statements and numbers are misleading or otherwise FALSE...please...
Until then, it might be fun to take a look at this web site:
Political Math

For the rest of the article, please see:
Romney blasts Obama for 'weakening' America

(This Excerpt is provided for informational, educational, and discussion purposes only. It is Copyright "The Salt Lake Tribune", for the full article search The Salt Lake Tribune' web site or Google with the title of this article)

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