Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Finally, something NEW (and FUN) happening in the world of Technology...

Spray-On Liquid Glass
Now THAT is cool!
Can you imagine! It kind of reminds me of the movie, Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs, and the "spray on shoes"...

Comcast Plans IPv6 Trials In 2010
My home network has been IPv6 for a year now... what is taking Comcast and others so long?
It just means I will need to upgrade my router again...if Cisco has put up an update fixing their IPv6 external routing problems...
But my server, my router to the world, has been IPv6 for a year... I use it all the time!

Harder-Than-Diamond Natural Carbon Crystals Found
Also very cool! Now maybe the price of Diamonds will drop?

Membrane That Turns Any Surface Into a Touchscreen
Can you imagine the implications of this? Tables, counters, doors, refrigerators, microwaves, etc...
Everything can now have a touch-screen interface! Merge this with e-paper technology and you have something REALLY useful!

Innovation is great! Unless you work at Microsoft...
How Infighting Hampers Innovation At Microsoft

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