Friday, June 04, 2010

Watch or Economy Fail

There are 2 things here:
#1 - Obama keeps telling us that things are improving, yet all we see is how things are getting worse...
First, the new taxes on small businesses to support Obamacare
Second, joblessness continues to increase, yet funding for those families is being cut
Third, the stock market continues to decline
Fourth, the government is still making bad decisions
Fifth, the dollar continues to lose value

#2 - To top it all off, investors are saying that a "safe investment" is T-Bonds and Notes?

Sorry people! If you want your investments SAFE you need to start investing in hard investments like Gold and other precious metals. Or real-estate. Or any number of other things. But your investments should be more diverse or you will go down with the sinking ship.
I am worried about my retirement investments...they have been doing ok, but if the economy keeps going in this direction, it will be worthless within the next ten years.

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