Monday, November 02, 2009

From the Round File

Lets talk about current events.
Remember a month ago how Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? Well, we are back to normal, I guess, cause the Palestinians now accuse the U.S. of killing peace prospects. Sure sounds like something the winner of the Nobel Prize SHOULD do, don't you think?

Do you remember the BILLIONS of dollars for "stimulus"? And how that money was supposed to create jobs? I have posted the links a few times from Political Math that show how the Stimulus, like Cash for Clunkers, has failed. Well, Obama is finally admitting his failure as he warns more job losses coming.

But Obama is still determined, he says the Economy is Recovering, but experts are saying that if the Stimulus ends too soon, everything will come apart. So is the economy really recovering, or is it still too early to say?

One of the biggest dangers to our way of life is all the Social Programs the government is trying to foist upon us. The Free Market system really does work. The American people are showing their support of businesses that are Honest and have (at least some) Integrity, and were Fiscally Responsible and Business Savvy enough to avoid taking Stimulus and Bail-Out dollars. Ford is actually doing quite well as they show a profit and their shares soar.
It seems to me that the People have Spoken with their actions. Go Ford!

And, wasn't Obama supposed to have done something about the Oil Companies? Why are Gas Prices going up again? How is it that we keep getting hit from all sides? Why doesn't Obama keep any of his promises?
Ok, enough with the questions already...we know why, and it is only going to get worse from here.

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