Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Obama breaks another promise...big surprise

Obama's platform was filled with promises of Hope and Change. He made several promises, and has been attempting to fulfil them with some measure of success. He has also failed on several fronts, and the failures are only getting worse and more frequent.
One of his promises was for "Open Government".
So, what of this "secret treaty" that the Federal Government has been working on?
It is called the ACTA, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.
The Government has cited "National Security" issues concerning this treaty, and that is what has made it "super secret"...
Well, hello my Mega Powerful Decoder Ring (the Internet)...
Secret Copyright Treaty Leaked
Treaty = DMCA + Trade? How do they manage that?

If you notice the Internet Chapters, you will see the harsh requirements and restrictions. Just another way for the Government to control just about every aspect of our lives. Not to mention, giving the ISPs an excuse to ask the Government for subsidies for lost revenue and bail-outs when they fail because of the draconian law.

Someone asked, "How does an "Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement" fall into "National Security"? Haven't we had enough of that in the past 8 years?"

This just goes to show, Obama isn't about Change, unless that change is about making things worse...
Another Promise Broken, no "Open Government" for you!

Aren't we glad we elected him?

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