Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Microsoft at it again...

First off, we have a wonderful story about how Microsoft is actually becoming the "bad guy" and doing things they either "don't mean to" or maybe it is an "accident", or maybe they should spend more time testing their product and less time scamming us all out of our money...

Microsoft Bots Effectively DDoSing Perl CPAN Testers

Next up, I have been writing for months about the Vulnerabilities of Microsoft, and how you should switch to Linux or other products that give you REAL security, not the "Warm and Fuzzy feelings" they give you while they talk about security...

Microsoft Says Upgrade To IE8, Even Though It's Vulnerable

At least we do have some good news. It appears that some world governments see the light and are advising their peoples to protect themselves...

France Tells Its Citizens To Abandon IE, Others Disagree

And we hear from "people in the know" that microsoft is just "dangerous"...
Jeremy Allison Calls Microsoft Dangerous Elephant

Now, if you are worried about how your computer might work with something else (besides Microsoft) you could "upgrade" to one of these,
100% Free Software Compatible PC Launches
You shouldn't worry, as Linux usually "just works"...
Which is more than we can say about Microsoft.

Here is one last proof that Microsoft does not care about you... some bugs have been in the system since the "early days" and they just don't see the need to fix them...leaving you and your data vulnerable...
Newly-Found Windows Bug Affects All Versions Since NT

Microsoft doesn't care, 'cause, "That's how they roll..." ;)

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