Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Perverts over at the TSA

These are the people we trust with our "air safety"? It is worse than a joke...

TSA Worker Jailed In Body Scan Rage Incident

I wonder why certain questions have never been asked about this incident:

Why was the supervisor not fired for harassing a co-worker, SEXUALLY, on the job.
Why hasn't there been any follow up on the Verified Sexual Harassment?
If you can see genitalia on these scanners, what happens when someone under the age of 18 goes through them. Possession of Child Porn? Viewing Child Porn?
Why are these machines hooked up to the internet and why do they have email capabilities?
Who is watching the watchers?

Seems like someone needs to be:
Read the related stories at the bottom of the article:
And another angle of the story here:

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