Wednesday, December 02, 2009

The "Entitlement" Mentality as Fostered by the Government

It wasn't that long ago that people worked for their money. They would go out and earn a living. The world didn't owe them anything, nor did they expect anything for free.
Now, we fast forward to today. People feel they are "entitled" to a job. They feel they are owed something by society. They have no problems taking something that doesn't belong to them.

Part of the problem is Socialism. Socialism is a Governmental philosophy of "distribution of wealth". In other words, if I make $100,000 and you make $50,000, then they would take $25,000 from me and give $25,000 to you. Now we both have $75,000.
While this works in theory, the entitlement mentality spreads... after all, why should I do $100,000 worth of work when I can do $50,000 worth and get paid $75,000?

Once this process breaks down, we end up in the hurt-locker. No one is making $100,000, everyone still wants $75,000, but there is no one to pay us the extra $25,000...

Essentially, this is what is happening with the Healthcare debates. I would pay X number in taxes and that money would buy someone healthcare, and I would be required to have my own healthcare ...
Only, who will pay for my healthcare? Now, as the people realize they can get free healthcare, will they support the program with money of their own? Where is the incentive? It is the same as the scenario above.

And, if I am a big business, the Free Market says that if I am an idiot and I don't have a good product, or I don't do my marketing right, or if I have a failing business plan...then my business fails, and I go under. The Socialist plan is that they throw money at your business to save jobs and consume products from other companies... but it doesn't require that you be intelligent with your business.
The Government recently did this with the likes of AIG, Sally May and Ferdie Mac...and many other businesses...mostly banks, who made bad business choices and really stupid mistakes. Instead of letting them go under and reaping the rewards of their labor, the Government gives them money... now, where is the incentive to do better?

So now, instead of making good business decisions, the Telcos are asking for bail-out money. They have learned that you don't have to have a good business strategy, you just have to ask for Government support. Where is their incentive to succeed, to provide a great product or service? They don't have to market or sell to the customer any more, they just have to get the Government to give them money for them to succeed.

Telcos Want Big Subsidies, Not Line-Sharing

We are doing this to ourselves. We should be standing up and shouting, STOP! But where is our incentive?

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