Saturday, December 19, 2009

From the Round File

Man shot in Bluffdale last summer now accused of sexual abuse
If you remember, this guy got into an altercation with a neighbor as he was supposedly "doing his rounds" as a neighborhood watch captain... he stopped to talk to a couple teen girls, and the neighbor intervened, thinking this dude was picking up on the girls... a gun fight ensued, and this guy got shot... the other guy got in trouble, but that might all change now, as we find out that there WAS CONCERN... the neighborhood watch captain now stands accused of sexual abuse... so maybe he was picking up on the teen girls?

Digital Abuse
Well, I guess it had to happen some time... when you carry around something that allows access to you 24/7/365 (your cell phone) that someone would just figure they could stalk you, follow you around electronically...

Lawsuit against Intermountain Healthcare draws calls for change
This is one of those points that should be covered in the Healthcare Reform... a way for Hospitals AND insurance companies to make sure they milk us for every last penny that they can...
But it prolly won't be covered, and that means more "reform" to try and fix a broken system... why don't they just fix what is broken and leave the rest alone?

Charities Upset Over Chase Facebook Contest
I have a hard time feeling sorry for the likes of, "Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP)" or "Marijuana Policy Project"... I don't think their cause deserves $25000 nor do they deserve the chance at $1000000...
But to be fair, I don't think Chase should be rigging the results of a contest either...

Mitt Romney: President's stimulus package has failed
Well, no kidding. It was a failed policy under Bush, so it could only be a failed policy under Obama... But try telling the Democrats that... they think Obama's stimulus is better than Bush's... interesting, isn't it?

Syracuse man's arrest serves as wakeup call for parents
THis should be filed in the "what the hell are my kids doing" file...
When your child comes home from a friend's house on a new or different bicycle, you, as the parent, should ask, "hay, where'd that new bike come from?" You aren't supposed to say, "hay, nice bike!"
We should be more responsible as parents, so our children can grow up responsible.

A&E focuses on teenage Utah psychic
I love these kinds of stories... not that I believe in psychics or anything, but I like to hear about people getting some recognition for some special talent or ability. It isn't main-stream, but it is still kind of cool. Unless you ride a uni-cycle... (just kidding)...

Some Salt Lake County residents to pay fee for police force
I am confused by this. When we pay our city and county taxes, we pay for the services of Police and Emergency Services (fire, etc)... so why are they able to charge people in the Unincorporated areas an extra fee for the same service they are already paying for?
I will be writing a letter to someone on the Hill to get answers to that question... it seems like a penalty for living out of the incorporated areas...that isn't right and maybe not even legal.

KSL 5 News investigates major medical billing lawsuit
This is one of the things I have been talking about for a while now. These are the practices that need to be fixed, not everything else. If we could solve the issues with over-billing, insurance fraud, kick-back deals, etc, we could save a ton of money, and healthcare services would become cheaper.

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