Wednesday, December 09, 2009

The Myth and Mystery surrounding Guns

I am not from the Old West, I am not a "nut case" (although there are those that might argue with that)... I just happen to believe that we have a right to protect ourselves, our property, our families, and our friends.
Our Founding Fathers also felt this way, and often said so:
"Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the people's liberty teeth (and) keystone... the rifle and the pistol are equally indispensable... more than 99% of them [guns] by their silence indicate that they are in safe and sane hands. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference [crime]. When firearms go, all goes, we need them every hour." (George Washington addressing the 1st Congress)
They intended the Constitution as a guide to protecting our Liberties, Freedoms, and Rights, and to outline Citizen's Responsibilities and the Government's Limitations. The Second Amendment protects our Right to Self Defense: not just to defend the country, but to defend our person; and not just from foreign enemies, but from domestic ones as well.

We have a problem in our country today...we have organizations and government representatives that would like to take our rights away, including our right to self defence, leaving us vulnerable and at the mercy of those who would harm us.
It all started in the 1830s, when Georgia tried to ban handguns, but the ban was struck down. This is the same situation we find in Washington DC, with the Heller Decision. We do have the right to own guns.
This trend has continued through the years and is still an issue today:
"If I could have banned them all- 'Mr. and Mrs. America turn in
your guns' -I would have!" (Diane Feinstein, US Senator, in a Statement on the TV program 60 Minutes, Feb 5 1995)
So, to help eliminate the MYTH and MYSTERY regarding guns, I would point you to a small book called "Gun Facts", its free, and it is an easy read.

I have posted other blog entries regarding gun safety and responsibility, so I won't rehash those, but I would also like to point you to some other resources for more information to help clear up any misconceptions you might have regarding guns and gun ownership.
Gun Control is kind of a misconception. It only controls those people who follow and honor the laws. A criminal, by definition, does not follow or honor the law. So who is affected in Gun Control? Certainly not what they were hoping. There are hundreds of quotes regarding "protecting our children" and "stopping crime", but if criminals are the ones causing crime, and they don't follow the law, then why would Gun Control protect our children and reduce crime?
The Logic is flawed.

Another thing to point out is the utter ridiculousness of our gun laws... First off, lets take the MOST DANGEROUS AND DEADLY consumer product made in the world -- no, it isn't a gun, it is an automobile. Now, lets look at the Licensing and Registration requirement for this, most dangerous, product...
Driving Test, written and in practice.
Photo ID, with identifying information.
Is good in all 50 states.
Does not limit size, shape, brand, model, or color of vehicle.
I can buy or sell it without keeping records.
I don't need Government Approval to buy or own one.
The government does not track how many I have, or how fast they go.

Now, what about Guns?
Some states require classes and a range test.
Some states have a photo, some have other identifying info.
Some states recognize an out-of-state permit.
In some states I cannot own one.
In some states I cannot carry it openly.
In some states I cannot carry it concealed.
I have to have special permission to own automatic weapons.
Some states ban scary-looking weapons.
Some states limit the number of bullets I can have.
Some states require paperwork when sold.
Feds require tracking and background checks.

A friend wrote this article that takes a look at how we could change the existing gun laws to make them simple and effective.
Part of the problem we face with Gun Laws is that they are just ineffective. We should streamline them to make them more effective, and enforce the existing gun laws with recommended punishments for abuses of those laws. That would reduce most of the problem right there.

Now, if that doesn't clear it up, or at least give you some idea that all the "Myth and Mystery" regarding Guns is simple "HYPE", then I don't know what will.

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